So pretty much, I've been farming BFD on my main for RoP. I'm trying to avoid spamming dungeon finder on the character I need it on, to prevent some leveler from ninjaing it, because I'd probably just end up quitting on the character all together.
I'm on about 50 runs (which admittedly isn't so bad, but I'd MUCH rather farm SFK), but this is what I have so far: Tree Bark Jacket x2, Staff of the Friar, Martyr's Chain and Darkweave Breeches (not a zone drop, but I thought it was worth mentioning).
I just need advice from anyone whose decided to do the same grind as me really, because I feel like the way I'm doing it is pretty efficient, but I'm not really sure. Also feel free to use this method if you like it yourself.
In the following screenshot, you'll see the path I take, and if it's too hard to follow, then I'll be explaining it in words.
So pretty much, the yellow star is the starting point and the blue circle is the ending point. The red lines are pretty self explanatory, until I get to the room with Gamoorah. When I get to that room, I go to the left (left while facing it in the dungeon) aggroing all of the tiny murlocs in the water (imo these are worth killing because I've gotten most of my BoEs off of these specific NPCs), then I go into Domina's room, after that I kill Gamoorah and all of the mobs around him, then I go up into the hallway. My stopping point is after the gauntlet before Thruk, or the blue circle on the map (because running out after a full clear probably takes longer than the dungeon itself).
Let me know what you guys think. Any way to make this more efficient is highly appreciated.
Thank you.
I'm on about 50 runs (which admittedly isn't so bad, but I'd MUCH rather farm SFK), but this is what I have so far: Tree Bark Jacket x2, Staff of the Friar, Martyr's Chain and Darkweave Breeches (not a zone drop, but I thought it was worth mentioning).
I just need advice from anyone whose decided to do the same grind as me really, because I feel like the way I'm doing it is pretty efficient, but I'm not really sure. Also feel free to use this method if you like it yourself.
In the following screenshot, you'll see the path I take, and if it's too hard to follow, then I'll be explaining it in words.
So pretty much, the yellow star is the starting point and the blue circle is the ending point. The red lines are pretty self explanatory, until I get to the room with Gamoorah. When I get to that room, I go to the left (left while facing it in the dungeon) aggroing all of the tiny murlocs in the water (imo these are worth killing because I've gotten most of my BoEs off of these specific NPCs), then I go into Domina's room, after that I kill Gamoorah and all of the mobs around him, then I go up into the hallway. My stopping point is after the gauntlet before Thruk, or the blue circle on the map (because running out after a full clear probably takes longer than the dungeon itself).
Let me know what you guys think. Any way to make this more efficient is highly appreciated.
Thank you.