Beware of quack the scammer.

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Sup, the pal ''Quack'' from EU has scammed Amalea-Draenor, (Chap) for a tabard of flame, he's told many people he gave it, he yet didn't. SPREAD THE WORD BOIS! <3

Edit: The screenshot of Chap,


- If you're watching this, Kill yourself babe <3 i hate scammers.

Admin note: Thread locked at Chap's request
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He befriended him, promised him a ToF for some reason *idk the deal* and deleted him, said he never scammed. I'll investigate it further and ask Chap (Amalea) about it! Screenshots will be posted soon. Let's get that scammer banned :D
I'm not sure I understand this situation. Like, at all. Did the person in question receive something in return for the Tabard of Flame, and not hold up to their end? Did they merely say that they had the Tabard, and it turns out they didn't? I'll save my judgement until more information is provided.
He didn't get shit, he's waited for over 4 months for it, Quack's been promising it. But on skype he quoted ''Nah, fuck that guy. he annoyed me so hes not getting it''.
You should really wait for some details and evidence rather than post such a baseless thread. It just makes you look bad.
With something as simple as a Tabard of the Flame, I don't know why you wouldn't just order one off E-Bay. I ordered mine a few weeks ago, and won the bid at 30.00 including shipping.

Don't purchase something like a Tabard of the Flame when there're easier ways to obtain them!
fans who kid, you're like 13 yo and scamming ppl on the internet shame on you. Why dont you play Pokémon kid, instead of scamming ppl because you dont like them?
Too many grammar errors in one sentence.
what did he get scammed of?, did he just say he was gonna give it for free but then didnt, doesnt really sound like a scam to me but idk.
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