Between queue activities?


Other than farming consumables and/or achievements, can anyone recommend some cool things to do between these unbearabley long alliance queue times? Most nights I alt+tab to something and miss the queue that I waited 15 minutes for and log from sheer boredom and annoyance.

PS. I can't really do world PvP either because I'm not on a pvp server and most levelers aren't flagged.

Go to Bloodmyst isle and farm the crystal buff. You could still go to the southern ashenvale area just north of the Barrens and if they attack you then you can attack back.
Farm swiftthisles at hillsbrad for Swift pots lol, Duel at Goldshire, try to do glitches etc, jumps on stragethholm to get on top of any mountain , idk :) ! Cookinh/Fishing Quests. Play hearthstone meanwhile you wait for the queue :p.
Today i had fun dueling some warrior, was epic, won me6-3him !
Quite simple, roll a horde toon while waiting... Level up, gear up, queue, insta pop BOOM! in a BG before your Alliance toon!
Sad, but almost true.

usually people pass time with their pastimes

But when you need a pass time while doing your pass time you have a problem.
I know you probably meant in-game but here's what I do most of the time: get an app like Duolingo or Busuu and use it to brush up on your second language skills while you wait. You get to feel accomplished and also prepare to scream at your team in Portuguese :eek:
Assemble a gear set comprised of mostly whites and rare but useless items, then make this macro: "My fellow thespian humanoids, please join me for a banquet of uncommon proportions at the distinguished Inn of Goldshire, where we will hereby and henceforth partake in the consumption of the finest feast Azeroth has ever seen, there shall be preparations of the local Elwyn boars and peacebloom salad with the oldest meads and stouts this side of the Cataclysm, all are welcome to the festivities but I only ask that, the totally smashed make use of the bedrooms upstairs and don't attempt to ride any animals back to Stormwind tonight." /rp walk and enjoy.
Take it from your favorite Pandaren Warrior, fat my man....... /Sleep and zoom in and see if your pandas fingers twitch while its sleeping, or........yea just stare at your sleeping panda for 8-20min

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