EU <Better Luck Next Time> Draenor (H)


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Hey, I have twinked for some time now, my main realm is Silvermoon (ally). I would like to find a nice twink guild, just wondering if I could get inv?

add btag Monkey#2680 :)
Hey, I have twinked for some time now, my main realm is Silvermoon (ally). I would like to find a nice twink guild, just wondering if I could get inv?

add btag Monkey#2680 :)

Ofcourse! :) Just let anyone that can invite know :)
@Lopiópriest , please tell to guild newbies, that using borean buff (sometimes 2 or 3 tinks in one wsg) is a bad practice.
Friendly bump :p

Will do, once more :)
what class should I play? I am very flexible so any role u need I can play!
[doublepost=1506446962,1506446861][/doublepost]thinking bout surv hunter but not sure

pls add me on btag: Monkey#2680 :p
[doublepost=1506447040][/doublepost]got inv now, I am Kíllcombo ;)
Thinking seriously about applying to join the guild will need a Realm Transfer. Could only afford to bring one 19 across though. Some of your guildies have me on B Tag and will probably point out I'm terribad but someone has to be carried :D

If accepted, which class would you want? I'd prefer to bring my Pala but am open to bring WW Monk or Shaman

Hi Gixxer!

I would say bring which ever class you enjoy playing the most! :)
any preferred class u need? healer? whatever u need tell me

We would love more dps if anything :)
@Lopiópriest , Hey. Im Transfering soon if i can get an invite, are there any items i should look for to bring like talons, SF, vinterveil, ? best regards

Ye sure mate! Bring what ever you feel like you have to bring :)
We'll supply you with pots etc.
I'd love to join, been searching for a server to twink on for a while.. in need of any specific class?

Nah not really, bring whatever you feel like playing :)

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