better gear for 60's?

Uhh, hard to say how long it took me. Prior to 10.2 I was working on like 7 different characters at once, since all I was doing was the handfull of world quests that gave 376 gear at that time, it was like 30 min per character at the time. I was basically just seeing which character would get a full set of gear first, and then level them to 60, many weeks I would get nothing.

When 10.2 hit and all the WQ updated to level 70 rewards, and it was discovered that bags dropped 418 gear, I swapped to bag farming on a single character and spent a few weeks casually farming bags with a group that did call outs and invites to shards with active hunts.

Some days I farmed none, other days I copped like 50 bags in one day.

According to my Discord logs, I farmed bags on my DH from Nov 13th to Dec 2nd, so about two weeks.
daam 50 in one day daam yee then im big big noob i only get like 10-15 max a day becouse im so slow
daam 50 in one day daam yee then im big big noob i only get like 10-15 max a day becouse im so slow
It can definitely be that slow if you are doing it solo and get stuck in an empty shard, had a few days like that. The days I got so many were weekends when the community were doing call outs and invites to shards with active hunts. The moment we would finish one hunt, we disband group and re invite to whoever has the active shard with hunts being done by 70s.
It can definitely be that slow if you are doing it solo and get stuck in an empty shard, had a few days like that. The days I got so many were weekends when the community were doing call outs and invites to shards with active hunts. The moment we would finish one hunt, we disband group and re invite to whoever has the active shard with hunts being done by 70s.
Anything else worth farming at 59 besides hunt spoils and dragonbane keep boxes? The description on the restored key obsidian caches you get doesn't mention "equipment" like the hunt spoils do.
Man, RNG is wild. I got 24 bags on a 59 mage I am taking to 70 just to see how I'd do. I got 5 different items, 4 of which were usable at 60, so I'd say that's pretty lucky since it seems it's closer to 1 item every 7-8 bags. I got about 150 bags on my paladin and he got absolutely wrecked. I think I ended up with 7 weapons and several duplicate armor pieces, zero with tertiary stats. Didn't even come close to filling out his entire plate set. I farmed about 310 bags on my DH. Got a very evenly distributed set of armor and weapons with some speed, leech, and socket items. Technically, I could have stopped around 180 bags on the DH as I got everything I needed, but the RNG on my paladin is why I agree you need 300+ bags to be safe.
Prolly OBE at this point but strangely it seems in 10.2.6 they added back to SL Mythic gear x/12 upgrade status. Likely a mistake and certainly underpowered even if possible to upgrade, yet strange.
new season soon but not putting any time into toon where it sits for 30+ minutes in que.
I haven't pvp'd at all on any of them. Since the DH got some speed items, I run old raids and whatnot for mounts with the insane run speed. Almost like the 101 legion days.
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is ilvl327 good ?

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