
Wasn't it 100% of int = AP? Or well 33/66/100% per 1/2/3 points spent :p Or maybe I remember wrong.

Before being a 3 point talent it was a 5 point talent and was increasing your AP 12/24/36/48/60 % of your intel, then in 3.3.X they swapped it to 33/66/100 % of intel.
"Int build" hunts used twisted chanters staff preheirloom. Post heirloom it was the GSoJ because of hit. And spidersilk boots. That is IF you chose the "int build". I do not know what this guy is doing.


People used the cloak for hit but not the boots cause they have int stam and sp not just int stam like now.
Int increased mana pool. That was the objective of the Hunter "Int build". To have a never ending supply of mana. You could nearly hit cap with GSoJ.
Twinking was much much more fun back then. A lot more theorycrafting.
Everyone was always trying to push their toons to the maximum. Instead of making up wacky restriction rules.
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spidersilk boots required 20 back then lol

You must forgive me. It was quite a long time ago. I have slept since then. At least 2000 times as a matter of fact. I must have learned something more important than WoW facts that shoved that out of my memory slot. :)

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