Best work around for Mage Bug


So 1st I'll do my best to explain this issue. Often times when doing multiple dungeon runs, an arcane mage will suddenly find that their Arcane Blast doesn't do much damage, costs almost no mana, and the cast time is greatly increased. Instant spells like Arcane Explosion and Fire Blast are unaffected. This leads to relogging on the spot to try and get rid of said "bug". It usually seems to work, however now your party has left you behind when you log back in.

I've met other mages who have had and are having the same issue. One told me they quit for a long time and are giving up mage again. I feel that, as I stopped playing mine for a while now out of frustration as well. Some mages even just let themselves die to fix the issue. For the longest time I couldn't figure out what was causing it, now it seems that I recognize the issue, I think. Entering a dungeon with Arcane Charges up seems to be the culprit.

This brings me to my best possible solution. To clear the charges and not be left behind, at the end of the run (I always select lead), requeue, make a macro explaining that you have to relog real quick and you'll brb, and relog right then. Log right back in and usually the dungeon will be ready to go and you can start the new run with all Arcane Charges clear. Take the proactive, preemptive approach, rather than waiting for the bug to hit.

I hope that helps my fellow Magi, go burn em down and tell em a Heracane's a comin'!
I just respec to another spec like Frost, then back to Arcane real quickly. It has cleared the bug every time for me. I just do it first thing when I zone into a dungeon.
That works, but again you start behind, and if you're with a fast group like my paladin tank with 34% speed you don't want to start that late., because you won't catch up and they aint waiting.

Unless you mean that you do it at the end of the dungeon, rather than the beginning of the next one. In that case it's a great option.

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