Best weapon set up for 29 warrior

which set up is better for a warrior?

1. BoA 2h Axe with Crusader.


2. Dual wielding the [Crecent of Forlorn Spirits] and [Bleeding Crecent] with either 20 str/ mongoose / battlemaster enchants. (Have to use a faction change).


3. Dual wielding the [Crecent of Forlorn Spirits] and a BoA one hander with crusader.

(I am not sure which is the best BoA one hander and which is the best +35 enchant for the Crescent)
imo arms > fury, but that depends on your role. with arms BAR/CM is your best choice.

for a DW setup i like dal'rend/sader MH with various OHs. 20str on CofS is not a bad choice.
I heard some one mention that dual wielding the [Crescent of Forlorn Spirits] and [Bleeding Crescent] both with soulfrost enchants is a viable strategy.

Because you can apply shadow oil and wear shadow wrath/ spell power gear?

Would this be any good for a dw warrior or rogue? It would also not work in arena's because you can't apply shadow oil.
fables429 said:
I heard some one mention that dual wielding the [Crescent of Forlorn Spirits] and [Bleeding Crescent] both with soulfrost enchants is a viable strategy.

Because you can apply shadow oil and wear shadow wrath/ spell power gear?

Would this be any good for a dw warrior or rogue? It would also not work in arena's because you can't apply shadow oil.

My head hurts.
fables429 said:
I heard some one mention that dual wielding the [Crescent of Forlorn Spirits] and [Bleeding Crescent] both with soulfrost enchants is a viable strategy.

Because you can apply shadow oil and wear shadow wrath/ spell power gear?

Would this be any good for a dw warrior or rogue? It would also not work in arena's because you can't apply shadow oil.

Erm most likely not, use melee gear :p

Pretty fun idea though but it will cost far to much and if fails then you will be stuck with....well sp gear on a warrior.
Seems like it could actually be overpowered, at least for battlegrounds. It might not be worth the 25$ or 50$ to get because it does not help in arena.

You have 2 weapons with a 15% chance to proc a rank 3 shadow bolt- 48-56 damage.

Each soulfrost increases this to +108 damage. (I am not sure what the coefficient is to add 48-56 and the 108).

Maybe add in some +spell power gear and see if that helps more, but the 2 soulfrosts should be enough.

You should be either a rogue or warrior, preferably gnome for the death ray.

PS: Which class would be better though rogue or warrior?
Thermplugger left arm

not the best

but i preffer it cause i don t have a main

other wise BOA 2h axe is the best - is better than TLA - which was the best before BOA and a LOT better than that dumb CM...
If you don't access to the BoA Axe.

The ONLY other option (notice the emphasis on ONLY) for a 2h is Corpsemaker.

Forgot to mention Thermaplugg's was only ever viable for one class.

It wasn't a warrior, it wasn't a ret pally.

It was an enhancement shaman.
Don't put mangoose on the crescent axe, its only good for OH and it doesen't procc as often as it should do for it to be usefull. +20 str ftw.

atleast for a warrior.

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