best way to hit cap on a horde warrior ( glass cannon )

If you're trying to reach hitcap, then you aren't making a glass cannon set. A true glass cannon set ignores normal priorities.
If you're trying to reach hitcap, then you aren't making a glass cannon set. A true glass cannon set ignores normal priorities.

OP set 'max strength while hitcapped' equal to 'glasscannon' I'm fine with that even if it's not the true meaning.
Why 15 hit is needed? Spell hit cap isn't 6% which is 12 hit?

Since 5.2 hit, BG-scaling has been implemented. Any character in a battleground gets his effective lvl raised to the top of the bracket. The idea behind that, was to make hitcapping easier, since it has been poorly implemented it is broken. But onto the topic of 15 instead of 12 hit: a character at lvl 20 needs 12 hit to get 6% hit, a lvl 24 (max-lvl in that specific bracket) needs 15 hit to attain 6% hit thus we all talk about 15 hit even though only 12 is needed to cap at lvl 20.

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