Best Shaman spec

I respect your opinion but your reasoning is all wrong.

^^ This. Getting serious, I legitimately hate when people compare Enhance Shamans to rogues. First of all they have potential to do a lot more damage. The importance of a rogue is the opening burst and saps and those are two things that Enhance doesn't necessarily bring to the table but Enhance probably has a lot more constant dmg than rogues. The ability to global 1k damage or even more with LB + Shock + Lavalash + primal + white hits is also really nice as well. Rogues lack Earthbind/Ghostwolf which can both be a big help and most importantly they don't have Purge. Purge is game-changing.

As for the OP it completely depends on your play style. I wouldn't reccommend resto but if you do choose it you'll have a huge amount of survivability. Ele and Enhance are two completely different playstyles. Personbally, I prefer enhance but Ele is definitely more viable with Tstorm being great if used right and LB crits can be really sexy if you're looking to see big numbers. Pick up Lifeblood and spam lightning bolt and you'll blow stuff up.
Kablam I only did it because I think that rogues are more competent to do burst damage than a enh shaman, and the duel weilding. But you're right, theres opportunity for more armor, some cc, and more abilities overall.
Can you guys give this guy a break for fucks sake, how can you all be so fukn inconsiderate he is just asking for some advice and worded his shit wrong, stop flaming him


Edit: OP is a spastic
Can you guys give this guy a break for fucks sake, how can you all be so fukn inconsiderate he is just asking for some advice and worded his shit wrong, stop flaming him


Edit: OP is a spastic

srsly lol'd irl. thanks so much made my night.

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