Best Shaman spec


2014 and 2016 Twink Cup Champion
What is the best spec for shaman? and how does each spec do, and which does most damage elemental or enhancement? and is resto good for survivability?
think you meen race?
wtf you guys i'm talking about the spec



I'm sure you mean race. The best race on horde for a shaman is hands down goblin. Goblins receive rocket boots which launches you forward. For alliance the best race to go is draenei. Draeneis receive gift of the naaru and heroic pressence. Gift of the naaru is a heal-over-time and heroic pressence gives you 1% hit raiting. The best spec to get for a shaman is elemental. Elemental allows you to be some what useful towards your team by allowing you to CC and do plenty of damage ect. Hope this helped and take care!
He knows where he is. He just wants to know the best shaman class and everyones giving him a hard time.

The best Shaman class atm would probably be hunter.

umadbro? its warllock shammys FTW

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