Best Races For Each 19 Twink Class


Okay So long Story Short, I missed wow and im making a new account because i tried selling my old one and got scammed for it.

Basically what my plan is on this Trial account is that im going to roll a twink of each class, besides Pally (no BC or WOTLK) On the Horde Side.

I need to know what race is the Best for each class (remember this is opinion based so be prepared to explain why)

Constructive Criticism only

Thanks again guys =D
Druid - Cows, i find stomp more useful than meld. Sure meld has its uses, such as stealthing during a fear, but LoSing or stomping can do the same job. A nelf druid only has bash, and thats on a 1 min CD and requires going intobearform, wasting 2 GCDs to interupt someone, and they can only do it once. A Cow can stomp and bash, which in certain situations is helpful. Also stomp is useful when FCing, meld is not, infact its a liability to have on your toolbar :) However, cows are ugly, so im nelf :)


hunter - belf, interupts are golden

mage - human for extra 12 stam and faster trink, or squid for GotN, both work great

Pala - Atm; belf followed by squid imo, though in cata human racial will become more important

Priest - belf then squid

Rogue - Human, equal first for RvR and faster trink and 12 more stam

Shaman - Squid, GotN is sweet

Warlock - Human or orc, depends

Warrior - Squid. The heal is just too sweet.
Kore nametooshort said:
Druid - Cows, i find stomp more useful than meld. Sure meld has its uses, such as stealthing during a fear, but LoSing or stomping can do the same job. A nelf druid only has bash, and thats on a 1 min CD and requires going intobearform, wasting 2 GCDs to interupt someone, and they can only do it once. A Cow can stomp and bash, which in certain situations is helpful. Also stomp is useful when FCing, meld is not, infact its a liability to have on your toolbar :) However, cows are ugly, so im nelf :)


hunter - belf, interupts are golden

mage - human for extra 12 stam and faster trink, or squid for GotN, both work great

Pala - Atm; belf followed by squid imo, though in cata human racial will become more important

Priest - belf then squid

Rogue - Human, equal first for RvR and faster trink and 12 more stam

Shaman - Squid, GotN is sweet

Warlock - Human or orc, depends

Warrior - Squid. The heal is just too sweet.

why is belf better than squid for a pally? not that it is completely wrong and I respect your opinion. I've played every class that a paladin can be for an extended period of time. I find that squid is the best against all classes while belf is best against casters for nuking. If you time the GotN heal with the lifeblood you can get a nice heal very often even against casters so I think draenei win out. Stun lock kills with tauren may be the best in cata but we have yet to see what the racials will be like then.
Kore nametooshort said:
Druid - Cows, i find stomp more useful than meld. Sure meld has its uses, such as stealthing during a fear, but LoSing or stomping can do the same job. A nelf druid only has bash, and thats on a 1 min CD and requires going intobearform, wasting 2 GCDs to interupt someone, and they can only do it once. A Cow can stomp and bash, which in certain situations is helpful. Also stomp is useful when FCing, meld is not, infact its a liability to have on your toolbar :) However, cows are ugly, so im nelf :)


hunter - belf, interupts are golden

mage - human for extra 12 stam and faster trink, or squid for GotN, both work great

Pala - Atm; belf followed by squid imo, though in cata human racial will become more important

Priest - belf then squid

Rogue - Human, equal first for RvR and faster trink and 12 more stam

Shaman - Squid, GotN is sweet

Warlock - Human or orc, depends

Warrior - Squid. The heal is just too sweet.

Like i said, Horde Side only, im not too fond of alliance TBH
Druid - Cows

hunter - belf

mage - human

Pala - BE/Squid

Priest - BE

Rogue - Gnome/Human

Shaman - Cow Warstomp > Naruu imo

Warlock - Human/BE

Warrior - Dranei
Kore nametooshort said:
Druid - Cows, i find stomp more useful than meld. Sure meld has its uses, such as stealthing during a fear, but LoSing or stomping can do the same job. A nelf druid only has bash, and thats on a 1 min CD and requires going intobearform, wasting 2 GCDs to interupt someone, and they can only do it once. A Cow can stomp and bash, which in certain situations is helpful. Also stomp is useful when FCing, meld is not, infact its a liability to have on your toolbar :) However, cows are ugly, so im nelf :)

Hunter: You will recieve a lot of different opinions on this one, Belf, Orc, and Troll each have good arguements, and I'm sure you will hear them

Shaman: Tauren - Passive nature resist, Warstomp, slight health increase, racials just beat out the other horde races that can be shaman

Rogue: Troll - I would say Belf, but you can't roll one of them :p, the racial is 20% haste and it stacks with SnD

Warlock: Orc - Blood Fury works well due to the fact that popping it before DoTs allows them to tick with the increased spellpower, even though BF will fall off before the DoTs are done ticking

Druid: Tauren - Only horde druids

Priest: Undead - I would say Belf, but.. yeah. WotF is still good, no where near as good as it used to be, but not terrible.

Mage: Undead - WotF + Shadow Resistance (locks love to fear cc mages)

Warrior: Tauren - Warstomp, roots resistance, etc.

edit: these are the best choices for what he has available, this is just before people flame me (LOL TARUEN WARIR ISNT BETTR THAN DRANIE XDDD)
Orcgasm said:
Mage: Undead - WotF + Shadow Resistance (locks love to fear cc mages)

well said, as a mage you really should only be worried about fears and saps and everyone knows you should never trinket a sap! so that means fears are the only thing you need to be able to break. double AGM undead is how I roll. if you get slowed just frostbolt or poly in return!
Grabco said:
why is belf better than squid for a pally? not that it is completely wrong and I respect your opinion. I've played every class that a paladin can be for an extended period of time. I find that squid is the best against all classes while belf is best against casters for nuking. If you time the GotN heal with the lifeblood you can get a nice heal very often even against casters so I think draenei win out. Stun lock kills with tauren may be the best in cata but we have yet to see what the racials will be like then.

I generally consider the silence more annoying and gamebreaking than the squid heal. It is a close thing though i will admit.
Belf Hunter only if you are willing to get a little closer to a Caster than a Hunter should be comfortable with (Goes with Cows as well). If you have a hard time getting comfortable with fighting casters at 10-15 yards (too far out and the silence becomes useless), go ahead and roll an Orc or Troll.
Hunter: BE/Troll (Horde), Draenei (Alliance)

Mage: UD/Troll (Horde), Human/Draenei (Alliance)

Paladin: BE (Horde), Human/Draenei (Alliance)

Priest - UD/BE (Horde), Human/Draenei (Alliance)

Rogue - BE (Horde), Human (Alliance)

Shaman - Tauren (Horde), Draenei (Alliance)

Warlock - BE (Horde), Human (Alliance)

Warrior - Tauren (Horde), Human/Draenei (Alliance)

A lot of classes have two top races. One race is superior to the other depending on the current situation.
Are you guys by any chance considering Cata? Which racials do you think will better benefit each class in Cata?
I believe Worgen get a sprint/dash (70% for 10 secs). Goblins get a jump thing that launches them forward much like blink, and a belt rocket that shoots for damage. And both abilities will share the same CD.

Both races seem to have useful racials (tho I'm not sure if what I'm saying is 100% correct). Imo the sprint thing looks like it's attractive for classes that don't have any speed abilities like priest.
Muqmuq said:
I believe Worgen get a sprint/dash (70% for 10 secs). Goblins get a jump thing that launches them forward much like blink, and a belt rocket that shoots for damage. And both abilities will share the same CD.

Both races seem to have useful racials (tho I'm not sure if what I'm saying is 100% correct). Imo the sprint thing looks like it's attractive for classes that don't have any speed abilities like priest.

With the way SP is also being replaced on some items by stam, we may see some priest FCs in WSG? Their fear, bubble, and HoT combined with speed increase seems like a good combination for an FC imo. Anyone else agree?
PureCraft said:
With the way SP is also being replaced on some items by stam, we may see some priest FCs in WSG? Their fear, bubble, and HoT combined with speed increase seems like a good combination for an FC imo. Anyone else agree?

They would still be completely outclassed by druids with their snare immunity and armour.

Ret - Draenei (best), more time on target / BElf, extra stun / Human, depends who the player is, can either be really helpful or trash

Holy - Human (best), I'm not explaining again / Draenei, the faceroll crutch alt. / Belf, depends on arena partners, you'll never have a Holy Pal in O anyway

Prot/FC - Draenei (best), survivability for You or Teammate / Human, no need for explanation / Belf, meh depends if the O have jank setup

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