Best Race for a 19 Warrior


The Specialist
So I've decided that I want to make a HORDE 19 twink warrior. But before I make one I want to know what race choice would be the best. Right now I'm thinking either Orc or Tauren. Any help would be appreciated.
Out of orc and tauren id go tauren. War stomp is always useful and the +5% hp is pretty good ^^
Tauren fits the theme of 'large hulking mass of pain that keeps everything locked down' more than Orc.

unless you're going AP-warr. maybe
AP Warrior - Orc (also if you're using the BoA axe you get the orc racial bonus)

HP Warrior - Tauren (nice HP boost)

Balanced - Undead imo (WoTF is really nice and they have high starting agility)
I would roll Tauren, hp and stomp. IMO the more health the better, i find that i play best even in my stam stacked gear. I have tried to make some dps sets, but i loose too much HP and don't gain enough dps to make them valuable unless you have mad heals.
Guccidevil said:
I would roll Tauren, hp and stomp. IMO the more health the better, i find that i play best even in my stam stacked gear. I have tried to make some dps sets, but i loose too much HP and don't gain enough dps to make them valuable unless you have mad heals.

what he said. i did more dps prot specced as well, because revenge has the chance to crit so high for a one handed weapon, i was blowing people away with it.
Tauren have the highest base stamina and strength of the horde races.

I'm not sure about the present, as leg patcheshave been removed and professions scaled. But Bigbadmoomoo from Pizza hut used to do some CRAZY damage. I'd look at her if I were to build another Warrior.
tauren IMO. the 5% extra stam is nice, as is War stomp
Don't underestimate blood fury. BAR crits for 40+ extra damage with it up. Burst on demand has ALWAYS been one of the main things defining who is victorious in WoW PvP.

So have stamina and stuns however ;) Warstomp is a pretty poor stun for a warrior though, with a cast time it can be tricky to pull off against a kiting target, and resetting the swing timer on a 3.3-3.8 speed weapon for a 2 second stun is worse than pointless. It's very effective when you have an opportunity to use it creatively though.

It's been a very long time since I was a level 19 tauren, but when I was doing arenas seriously back in TBC, there was almost always something better to be doing than warstomping. It stayed on my bar for battleground use though (for the long healer lockdown). Perhaps at level 19 it might be more useful, I honestly don't remember.
i would go ORC, with the AP racial, axe specialization, 15% movement impairing reduction they are one of the best warriors in the game.

tauren got nerfed on the wotlk pre-patch. the 5% total health bonus was nerfed it is now 5% of base health. it is quite a difference, it does not include armor and enchant stamina stats like it used to. also warstomp cast time for 2 sec stun.....imo....worthless. this was nerfed down from 5 sec. sorta like gift of naruu that draenei had before the instant cast, by the time you cast the racial heal you may be dead. for tauren's 2 sec stun, imo...warstomp should be instant
Rip said:
[ITEM]42943[/ITEM] is BiS 2H

is that factoring in stones and oils too? Because Glacial Stone and Runic Darkblade are better in those cases.

From a cruise control standpoint (i.e., no weapon switching, no mods) then yes, BAR is best.

>> on the case of which race to roll, troll is highly under-rated. They start with very good base stats for a melee class, and berserking works very well with a slow weapon (though i wouldnt know how that compares head to head with orc bloodfury)

The facts:

Tauren: Survive a bit longer, racial is a combo of CC and interupt.

Orc: All or nothing sort of race, made to be able to make the kill when it counts.

Undead: Hard to stop because they can get out of fear twice in a row, and the have a free mini-bandaid.

Troll: Silmilar to orc, they're the kind of class for making the kill when it counts. Imo Da Voodoo Shuffle gives them a slight edge in that respect.

Its all in what you want to be able to do.

Go ORC. If you want higher DPS set orc is the winner esp with reaper/reaver ax specialization. Hardiness and Blood fury. Its a way underplayed combination as most warriors autoroll tauren's. This imo is a mistake. At least in the 29s ive seen some ORC warrior's dish out the pain that made hunter's jealous. In fact id wish my rogue was a warrior
Rip said:
[ITEM]42943[/ITEM] is BiS 2H

Forgot about BOA stuff. [item]7230[/item] is what i was thinking of. SMH has a dps of 19.7 compaired to the BOA's solid 20. Obviously the BOA's larger weapon damage and slower speed means higher crits. Those out of reach of BOA will be using the Mace as it is not far behind. 11str and 4 agi with that kind of weapon damage is nice.

More debate on war stomp. You are not always using war stomp for yourself. Warriors are a supportive class as well as damage dealing. Wars will be slowing, buffing party memebers, and debuffing opponents.
Slashdrive said:
That's trolls. And what good is axe specialization at 19? Best 2H is a mace and best 1H is a sword.

i stated the orc horde racial as "15% movement impairing reduction" that should have been "15% stun effect reduction"....error on my part

as for the glacial stone mace you are referring to that is a alliance only item and the thread is about horde warriors

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