Best Professions.

for exo lol u will always off dps with exo but u need the resil over sp for it anyway u hit hard enuff with it i hit on average bis mages 3.5k crits with 1.1 cast speed destroys them
yea in my full pve set full SWP gear/intel gems/sp chants gets up to 5-6k crits, but gets destroyed in pvp.. but yea, im still torn between JC and engi. defs going LW
jc for resil stack or eng for burst help (and rocket boots for bgs) its a personal choice
for exo lol u will always off dps with exo but u need the resil over sp for it anyway u hit hard enuff with it i hit on average bis mages 3.5k crits with 1.1 cast speed destroys them

id rather have a holy pally exo'ing my disc priest, as its alot easyer to burst down their dps partner when they get over confident of a kill on me or my partner in 2s, that and really people let you holy pallys spam exo? oh and exo counts as holy tree so you can lock them out of their healing.

back on topic, JC/Engi is bis for most classes
id rather have a holy pally exo'ing my disc priest, as its alot easyer to burst down their dps partner when they get over confident of a kill on me or my partner in 2s, that and really people let you holy pallys spam exo? oh and exo counts as holy tree so you can lock them out of their healing.

back on topic, JC/Engi is bis for most classes

all i can say to that is if you dont now how to juke ur a fool
i always let someone interupt my magic that isnt my main class.. obvs this doesnt work as a pally coz all your spells are holy, but as a priest, i let people interupt my shadow spells to leave my healing open to freecast.
i always let someone interupt my magic that isnt my main class.. obvs this doesnt work as a pally coz all your spells are holy, but as a priest, i let people interupt my shadow spells to leave my healing open to freecast.

thats good but what i do is i usually never cast, and only when i know i have a free opening, if not i have to rely on fake casting, and bad reaction times on the enemy resto shaman (its always a shaman..) usually gets the 2nd cast trying to interupt the first.

I just used my instant spells alot, seemed to work, plus i havent played in a while but i dont rember if pennance can be interupted.

sorry for offtopicness
just cast a mind control or a mana burn, something that they'd HAVE to interupt (mana burn more so than MC) start spamming mana burns and they'll have to interupt or LOS them then when they interupt you are good to freecast healing spells, also fearing then freecasting is useful if you have a fear up.
memento + noise machine is BiS without a doubt nothing comes close to them
na you wont need it its a useless waste of time its 2k mana you should never have mana issue's anyway with 0 mana u wont die unless its in 3s
about balck magic or spell power. I prefer static enchant over enchant that have a random proc cause often happen that it proc when u dont need and u waste it.

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