Best Priest & Rogue in the world Teaser Video!

we were 75-3 before we made a new team (i just wanted to try out moonkin + healer, but why the f i am telling you this?)


I'd suggest fixing your resto spec btw. just sayin
You don't remember? lol alright w/e i've seen you in bgs so many times and again you would skey like crazy. 2600 mmr? rofl nice lie son! whats really funny is that you troll these forums almost everyday but when someone trolls/trashes you back you have nothing really to say
I'll see you in arenas bro and btw nice "BIS hpal" LOL 450 resil wrong gloves wrong shoulders wrong trinket
stay mad

still no proff?

dont cry babe. all gonan be ok

do you wanna talk bout gear? are you sure about that? lets start it!

softcap resil - 31,50% (stacking more as a paladin is for bad players only)

trinket - i have more crit and a nice boost (i dont use tazik cuz i am not a fag at all)

your trinkets - for mana regen (and you get int but i still have more spd)

going oom as a paladin without this trinkets? bad player. very bad!

spirit ring? take a cup of STFU!

tier bracers? ummm, a sec ummm... what for damn? ah yea spirit you are right (guardinas have better stats at all)

gloves - 5% flash heal crit + set shoulders 10% holy shock healing. you lose.

go suicide for now.
Yowxd said:
Rofl, lets just say your playing this bracket and get 28-6 bad as fuck at 2k MMR.

And I'm no random, I'm Yow blad, should of known that name :S

#1 2s and 3s @70 legit u fkn mad<33333

BUT since we started at 1.8 MMR and did 18-0 til 2.2k MMR then got a loss then remade team 3 times and went 14-0 each time, I guess our MMR would be around 1.7 rofl, grow a bigger pair before stepping up to your superior, your playing this bracket to stay #50, we play the bracket few nights of the week for fun and dominate in greens, now bad purples.

So have fun 70 rival <3

Also Quinp I didn't wanna sit you down, thought you was just stating your opinion, 12 pages of a thread 4k views isn't a shit troll, also, 1.5k game play may be what your stuck at, but for us its 2k MMR with 60 gear on, cy@?

Have to edit 'cus the above druid seems to be having a virgin anger crisis.

Go outside for 5 mins, take a breather then come back in and finish your capri sun then post))

Your dog, this bracket is dog. Come at 85 and show how good you are then.
still no proff?

dont cry babe. all gonan be ok

do you wanna talk bout gear? are you sure about that? lets start it!

softcap resil - 31,50% (stacking more as a paladin is for bad players only)

trinket - i have more crit and a nice boost (i dont use tazik cuz i am not a fag at all)

your trinkets - for mana regen (and you get int but i still have more spd)

going oom as a paladin without this trinkets? bad player. very bad!

spirit ring? take a cup of STFU!

tier bracers? ummm, a sec ummm... what for damn? ah yea spirit you are right (guardinas have better stats at all)

gloves - 5% flash heal crit + set shoulders 10% holy shock healing. you lose.

go suicide for now.

LOL? you have to be trollin again or just stupid. having 450 resil is like OHURDUR die in a deep vs a mage and I use alot of pve gear for MP5 and haste for reduce globals ALSO spell power so I can stay at around 620 resil having 12% haste without judgement buff and 290-340ish mp5 and dude this has already been talked about before 10% holy shock healing is 100-150 it has already been tested
and I gain haste more spell power AND intel using the BIS gloves from sunwell. Do not forget spirit gives holy paladins hit rating so I don't need to spend 2 talent points just to get 5%
I have 40% DR with this gear also you should know by now taziks damage is not much without stacking spell pen and no I don't do that because im not a ass.

I also can't belive you did not spec into the sprint for holy paladins you just make me sick.
ALSO YOUR GLYPHS LOL OH MY GOD.. I can't belive you think you have a BIS holy paladin thats just sad.
I've been 2600 on my war and multi glad on my old hunt but I do not have my hunt anymore
I couldint care about both
they both are complete shit now...
70 twink arena in wrath was fine due to resil scaling like a mother fucker unless you vs prot warrior/ret paladin even then a good healer dps team could beat them unless it was something like disc hunt
during s8 I mean.. also spells didint scale so god damn much with top end sunwell/brutal gear so you could be in a full deep vs a mage and only get dropped to 60% unless he had cooldowns up but thats coming from POV on my prot war in s8 with around 60-70 resil (I stacked block value like a asshole lolol)

Oh yeah and vs people who used 5/5 brutal and half sunwell offsets and half pvp gear even with 2100+ block value my shield slams only did 1600 and 2k with shield block up
bring back wrath =[
LOL? you have to be trollin again or just stupid. having 450 resil is like OHURDUR die in a deep vs a mage and I use alot of pve gear for MP5 and haste for reduce globals ALSO spell power so I can stay at around 620 resil having 12% haste without judgement buff and 290-340ish mp5 and dude this has already been talked about before 10% holy shock healing is 100-150 it has already been tested
and I gain haste more spell power AND intel using the BIS gloves from sunwell. Do not forget spirit gives holy paladins hit rating so I don't need to spend 2 talent points just to get 5%
I have 40% DR with this gear also you should know by now taziks damage is not much without stacking spell pen and no I don't do that because im not a ass.

I also can't belive you did not spec into the sprint for holy paladins you just make me sick.

fucking retard use your judgement with a seal every cd and be at full mana.

dont die ina deep, use partners loser.

we are at the same amount of haste stfu.

we are almost at the same amount of mp5 stfu, but instead i dont use crap gear like you are with a spirit.

as i said no crap spirit gear and the only one talent for hit and i am still hit overcapped.

if you holy shock heals like a shit and you dont need this bonus i am sorry for you man, rly.

flash heal is a main spell and you are getting 5% crit free with the gloves,

the shoulders is crap almost the same amount of int, less stamm and crit, but pvp ones got resil more stam more crit and dont have fucking spirit lol.

i dont need a sprint, i a am too OP for this spell.

i still have better stats at all.

S U I C I D E !
fucking retard use your judgement with a seal every cd and be at full mana.

dont die ina deep, use partners loser.

we are at the same amount of haste stfu.

we are almost at the same amount of mp5 stfu, but instead i dont use crap gear like you are with a spirit.

as i said no crap spirit gear and the only one talent for hit and i am still hit overcapped.

if you holy shock heals like a shit and you dont need this bonus i am sorry for you man, rly.

flash heal is a main spell and you are getting 5% crit free with the gloves,

the shoulders is crap almost the same amount of int, less stamm and crit, but pvp ones got resil more stam more crit and dont have fucking spirit lol.

i dont need a sprint, i a am too OP for this spell.

i still have better stats at all.

S U I C I D E !

But you have around 450 resil? I can stack pve gear and have 290-340ish MP5 I also get keep save a talent point for something else so I don't need to waste 2 like you. what is your partner suppost to do when you are in a deep and a mage spams icelance on you? sorry I don't fight 1500 players like you that prob cast even while being focused. and also my flash of lights crit almost all of the time so why would I want to lose mp5 and a talent point just to replace 1pce of gear? and SAME amount of haste? LOL? I have like 4-5% more haste and AGAIN like I said BEFORE I can use this gear and stay at around 620+ resil
if I want I could stay at 615 resil and have 16%+ haste due to extra rings I have for some comps I vs

Also nice spec LOL Speed of light 0/0
Yowxd said:
Quinp gone tongue to ass mode h3h3.

Go get some ratings at 70 or 85, either one and don't come back til you hit 2.7, though heard thats top standard now with the wotlk system introduced back.

Anyway, thanks for voting the teaser best teaser of teasers.

2.7k will be close to r1 next season. I got 2.6k in s9 when 2750 was r1 as a enhancement shaman even.

Then link me your character, because your obv shit i can see that from your teaser.
But you have around 450 resil? I can stack pve gear and have 290-340ish MP5 I also get keep save a talent point for something else so I don't need to waste 2 like you. what is your partner suppost to do when you are in a deep and a mage spams icelance on you? sorry I don't fight 1500 players like you that prob cast even while being focused. and also my flash of lights crit almost all of the time so why would I want to lose mp5 and a talent point just to replace 1pce of gear? and SAME amount of haste? LOL? I have like 4-5% more haste and AGAIN like I said BEFORE I can use this gear and stay at around 620+ resil
if I want I could stay at 615 resil and have 16%+ haste due to extra rings I have for some comps I vs

Also nice spec LOL Speed of light 0/0

you are stupid, read what i said about and go suicide, is it so hard for you?
you are stupid, read what i said about and go suicide, is it so hard for you?
Is that all you can come up with? I mean you troll these forums almost everyday! and thats all you could come up with? =[

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