Best PoD Class?


Guild Master
Picked up a PoD and was going to roll a 39 Human Warrior, but figured that might be wasteful. Which class has the flashiest PoD usage in classic?
Definitely Gunter for the raptor strike crits.

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39 warriors about like any other warrior, it's OP with heals. Yeah, the PoD will be put to okay use simply because it's BIS 2h for the bracket, but I think it's wasted if it isn't put on an enhancement shaman. Yeah, you'll either one shot someone or die, with little in between, but that's the whole point of spending the gold on a PoD, to get the most fun out of it. Go enhancement shaman and you'll enjoy it. You either one shot people or die and the PoD proc is practically made for windfury procs, like blizzard came up with a weapon just for that class.

I feel like it really is a waste if not put on a shaman, there's other weapons that can be used on a warrior or pally that are almost just as good. There's a 39 warrior on my server with PoD equipped and I feel sad every time I see him, what with me maining a shaman.
Figured the consensus would be Shaman but wanted to confirm, thanks!
hpal with +55 healing or your a big wet PUSSY
Gtf outta here.... hunter with Beast slaying for when a Druid FC wants to catch these hands.

edit: also the idea that often is floated around here that a 39 warrior is somehow less independent than a 39 enh or ret is ridiculous

edit2: please DONT go human. you'll regret yourself terribly. i can't even explain how good gnome is for warriors. use morph if you don't dig the looks
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Warrior by far, enhance is only worth it for lulz on clothies, they lack vs most other classes and have a superior spec in Elemental available, Ret is just bad overall and should use freedom on others over themself and that should tell u all you need to know.
I truly believe using a PoD on an enh shaman is a waste. Nothing besides auto attacks and praying for a wf proc. Sounds fun...
Hunter to get that sweet double dipping on agility giving melee + ranged ap.
39 warriors about like any other warrior, it's OP with heals. Yeah, the PoD will be put to okay use simply because it's BIS 2h for the bracket, but I think it's wasted if it isn't put on an enhancement shaman. Yeah, you'll either one shot someone or die, with little in between, but that's the whole point of spending the gold on a PoD, to get the most fun out of it. Go enhancement shaman and you'll enjoy it. You either one shot people or die and the PoD proc is practically made for windfury procs, like blizzard came up with a weapon just for that class.

I feel like it really is a waste if not put on a shaman, there's other weapons that can be used on a warrior or pally that are almost just as good. There's a 39 warrior on my server with PoD equipped and I feel sad every time I see him, what with me maining a shaman.

ignore this
Picked up a PoD and was going to roll a 39 Human Warrior, but figured that might be wasteful. Which class has the flashiest PoD usage in classic?

It depends on what your goals are.

Want to contribute to the success of a serious premade team? Warrior.

Want to see huge numbers and a cool tornado around your character (is that what you're looking for when you say "flashiest?)? Enh shaman.

Want to be a laughable meme spec? Ret.
If you're looking for dumb fun with a meme spec you can can go ret pally or eh sham. If you want to be useful to your team in a competitive game go warrior. And do yourself a favor and don't go human. Gnome, dwarf, orc, UD but not human.
100% warr gets the most out of PoD at 39 - shit id even say pally gets 2nd most use out of it with the way batching and seal twisting works - shammy is a 1 trick pony gets boring fast but those WTF WF procs are pretty lol but the time between those times are fucken shit house

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