i am the cutest and most feminine male to female transsexual in bracket hands down xoxo
all these lists are biased by friendship etc. so they shouldn't be taken seriously
i, however, do not value friendship so it is not a deciding factor in something like ranking people based off alleged skill or lack of in this horrendous bracket of mongoloid's and f2peasants.
pug lord
Is that why you place last in every 20s tourney you play in?I'm the best f2p/vet priest hands down.
all these lists are biased by friendship etc. so they shouldn't be taken seriously
i, however, do not value friendship so it is not a deciding factor in something like ranking people based off alleged skill or lack of in this horrendous bracket of mongoloid's and f2peasants.
pug lord
Is that why you place last in every 20s tourney you play in?
2-12 in the last 2s tourney, was it? And your only wins were due to the other team not showing up?
Whoa hey, what's this? I found some examples of your elite gameplay:
i am the cutest and most feminine male to female transsexual in bracket hands down xoxo
Thanks man. I know who is good and who is not haha.
Without doubt i am able to specify the two best priests in this bracket. They are Livingforce and Flynn. They are both decent, skilled players, that is something you can't argue. Flynn, is really good and adapts very well in difficult situations. The same thing can be said for Livingforce, he is truly a juke god. So, the real battle is between two god-tier priests- Flynn or Living ? I'd say both, Living in my perspective is more of a Battleground Priest, but still very good in arenas. Flynn is very experienced in arenas and does really good in bgs.
samhain and cheeser are top tier prests as well.
Cheeses is a great disc too, but I feel living is a better healer from the real id's ive done with the two, living has out healed him both times. Not that many but still
disc is just too op... i made a f2p disc a whiiile back and managed to 1v1 a 29 brew monk, suffice to say the kid was trash but it's hard to recognize skill from a spec like that.