best of each class hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
how about you stop thinking you're so good and prove it if your the best warrior land all your pummels if your the best shaman dont fucking fake yourself to death like get a grip man and play the game for fun just becuase your little possy says you're the best it doesnt mean shit when all you do is roll whatever is the most op comp etc then call yourself R1 #TL #semla #doritoskidx #finnisharerudepeoplex #samigetamic #lordquackrulesuseall #SWEATSQUAD #GOML #29TAKESSKILL #MEETMEINWSGBRAH #swedishpeoplearecockybringitonm9-1
how about you stop thinking you're so good and prove it if your the best warrior land all your pummels if your the best shaman dont fucking fake yourself to death like get a grip man and play the game for fun just becuase your little possy says you're the best it doesnt mean shit when all you do is roll whatever is the most op comp etc then call yourself R1 #TL #semla #doritoskidx #finnisharerudepeoplex #samigetamic #lordquackrulesuseall #SWEATSQUAD #GOML #29TAKESSKILL #MEETMEINWSGBRAH #swedishpeoplearecockybringitonm9-1