Best Of ALL CLASSES not just the shit thread below of just rmp.

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But face it Cyanerds, you're a shit player

heh alright, any proof of that or??????
And ye btw it was only 4 times you guys won againnst us. None the less we're still #3 in 3s, playing SP, resto druid and elemental, and not the usual rogue mage priest only
3 synapse XDDDDDDD

Heard you cant peal, rogues..... 1 fear unto me and Steven and a cs on rob, and it would have been gg.....but this myfriend require synergy and skill, something you do not have, cus your a rat...
Only sick if you do damage, which wasn't my role in our 3s games. I got maybe one mind blast dp combo off each game. Tazik would be alot more useful, but nonetheless if you people want to pick at our tinkers for doing well with that comp and steamrolling good players along the way then feel free :) I was looking for some screenies showing how little damage i did, but didn't seem to find any of 3s games, just of our ratio. Dunno if Yow or Hexlol took and could find any however. ;)
Is it possible that every thread have to finish in a flame thread. C'mon are u able to talk without say somenthing like u're shit or u sucks, u're not good? Just say who is the best for you.
Btw if people will stop to make every day a new thread about "Who is the best" we'll probably see less flame posts.
First of all i wouldn't really say an emote spamming hunter is the best there is. I'd say Hordeus is, he clearly knows what he's doing. Or that russian hunter with his nice disengage use. To bad there's isn't more people playing hunter, course fuck me sideways they are strong if well played!
Warrior; there's only 1 player. And that'd be unrest from my guild. I havn't seen any other warrior make it to 2.3k in 3s, and ye he clearly knows what he's doing too
Shaman; well as far as i recall Hex keeps dispelling my flame shock, and his lack of using wind sear clearly shows he's lacking knowlegde about shamans. Not really a guy i'd trust being my pocket healer honestly
Druids; ye Bobx, sunshine and Manaki. All 3 knows exacktly what they are doing as resto, and Manaki even made it to 2.2 as feral with a shitty disc teammate.

But why do i even bother. How do you define what it means being the best player as a class. And who cares even, pointless thread? =]

u mad nobody picks you =]
Rogue: Kharino, Yow, Feannor.
Mage: HYPER-thescam-CRANKS
Priest: Snape
Shaman: Idk
Warrior: Idk
Hunter: Idk
Warlock: Idk
Paladin: Won't pick me so; Holy Ernesto. Ret Nae
Druid: Bobx
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