Best of 29 list

Kek @ all who nominated themselves!!

Not really a nomination in any way when you're saying who you think is the best blah blah, if I was to say "who should be president of 29 hpallies because they're the best?" and then offer myself, that would be a nomination.

verb (used with object), nominated, nominating.
1. to propose (someone) for appointment or election to an office.

Do you think before you make your posts, Ally?
i have 80 battle tabards in my void storage. no one else can even compare, is there really any doubt who the best is?
Who cares about ur fucking battle standard? If you think farming 80 of these makes you the best pala/player
Then you're the biggest joke NA.

sounds like something a person without 80 battle standards would say, you know what people who don't have 80 battle standards are? they're fucking peasants, go get good m8.

maybe if you have a quarter as many battle standards as the pug lord you'll be shit, but you don't so you aren't shit. I GOT 80 BATTLE STANDARDS IN MY VOID SON!!!!
lol who fuck are you mejt? I mean look at your name Trial killer, LOL
the thing is you call urself pug lord, thats why you're the biggest joke NA.

sounds like you know who i am, mejt, and sounds like you need some more battle standards to go with your peasantry.

GL m80
i have 80 battle tabards in my void storage. no one else can even compare, is there really any doubt who the best is?

Compare to as how much time someone has sunk into a lowbie toon??
No, I doubt anyone would want to "compare" themselves to that. Why would they? You were running a one boy race when you initiated that little "contest" of yours.
I can see you now... "Hey Ma! Watch me beat the people on this game by playing on the computer all the time and missing out on the essentials of living a "real life" just so can brag about have a bunch of boxes filled with pixels that I can do nothing with." I bet she was so proud!
In the meantime, the world spins on while the rest of us save lives, make money, invent new technologies etc. Undoubtedly some are even going to undergrad, or even grad school, so they too can do these things. But you will have your 80 battle standards!!! Whoopee!!! Or is it 81 by now?? No one can take those from you or at least the memory.

Back to the list...
Any fool knows it is bad etiquette to name yourself to a list.

Ret: Qleenpaperxz , runner up-> Talarac but not there yet, effective enough in bgs to be mentioned tho. Seen Qleen both bgs & arena unlike talarac

Sorry man,I just dont have that much time to appear frequently like Trialkiller who might have the most of time in his life
And by the way,im 20 f2p lmfao
But thanks for the mentioned <3 will keep it up to show up more on my f2p hpally

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