am i good
go copy curleys gear and then ur good
am i good
rogue - curlex
mage - flummaz
hunter - ko/battlehunter
priest - bigdikwilson
pally - duo
druid - pitha
warr - bubble
who the fuck is flummaz
mhmhmh just confirmed good gamesFlummaz, the second coming of Jesus
LOL!!!! Get ready and put on some rubber boots, its going to get deep,thick and gooey. Almost as fast as a fly can find excrement.
wrong belt, no minor speed to boots, bad gloves, bad cloak
i say i play us not 24 yet trying to get the main 90
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/darkspear/Fabbn/ started abid on lvl the 24 to 24
So why would you post about playing a US 90 in a US 24 thread?
Also Apena should be on these listsCurlex and I together in 24 WSG are unstoppable kekekek