Best of 24's

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Generally people who play 19s are terrible, lets see if you can prove me wrong.

ill just leave this here =)
Those who have played in every bracket know which has the lowest quality of players. It is very obvious.

On a side note. This thread is obviously an attempt at trolling by posting Best Of: and listing yourself and guildies. It was successful in its attempt and yet is still active. Trolling is against the Code of Conduct. I would like to know if Curley received infractions for this thread.
Another way to look at it... The most active brackets will have the largest amount of bad players. The 70 bracket had a lot of Battle Chest account players. The 80 bracket may become flooded with similar. A little off topic.

Hard to judge the best 24s because there is a small body of work having 24 teams play each other. Need more 24 guild games and videos of those games.
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