Beginner - cassopeia
Intermediate - syncopy, waka,justbetter, neonexx,boondj
Advanced - princesskracks
Elite - n/a
Beginner - bluedoud, amazingpower, wakeupcall, maddirocket
Intermediate - neons, parishilton
Advanced - breadwinner, litari
Elite -n/a
Beginner - any random noob idk
Intermediate- sallya, neonbroz
Advanced- gladi
Elite - n/a
Beginner- any random noob idk
Intermediate- some female belf warlock on bh horde forgot name
Advanced- berniemac
Elite- n/a
Beginner- swiftbow, deetois
Intermediate - guyfieri, nxzy, neonscopesu, vethalis, dachdach, lil, honorlo
Advanced- dfac
Elite- goohd
Beginner- nen
Intermediate- jrmilk, spooch, almond
Advanced- hvnter, neonz
Elite - n/a
Beginner: azmongold
Intermediate: destrovenom, mechanicz
Advanced: light,tence
Elite: neon
Beginner: every resto shaman that thinks they are skilled
Intermediate: honorlo, dach
Advanced:druhgy, rudimentario
Elite: jaynal
Beginner: iv
Intermediate: drugs, privateschool
Advanced: gaspedal, movementz/subvader, voc
Elite: n/a
Beginner: idk tbh alot
Intermediate: donor
Advanced: jukejitsu
Elite: n/a
My raw uncut list non biased of where people stand based on their skill levels.
Now I am going to make a list of the best 20s of all time.
Mage: wizkidone,harusol, mialo, deadvulcano, activate
Warlock: salphir, fael, tentacleman
Rogue: original, clap, recluse, problem,medanx,brov, noxal, movementz, backsurgeon
Warrior: oldspike, kahr, bawlollin, highelf
Paladin: goldendays,kale,earl, yde, neon, abigayle, swagcleavic, morgana
Hunter: internal, acebull, felix, acronus, snug, concept
Druid:hunnybuns,lennyw,bendandcough,bop,deej, lluyd, albinocow, insects, shft, cer, ploy
Monk: throwforties,dip
Shaman: goldendays,arenashameng, miindy, phrontistery, dtb
Priest: atwanta,flynn, veinte, dip
No one probably even remembers these names but I do because I am an og 20 been here since ancient times, seen the rise and fall of many great empires.