Best of 20s US


Warrior- Fluxxwavy, Sallya

Hunter- Nishikataqt

Mage- vito

Rogue- Gaspedal

Priest- Hpriest: Folowtraffic Disc: Fryth, Hayleeqt Shadow: None

Warlock- Zaradralys

Paladin- Neon

Druid- Honorlomvp, Whoknowsme

Shaman- Phrontistery

Monk- WW: Nghtmarez MW: Orangej BM: None

DH- None

DK- vito

Evoker- Djdrago, Diarrhea

These are the current (active) players who plays best on each classes. I've been spectating their game for couple of months and players that on the list are the consistent ones also plays pretty good
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Warrior- Fluxxwav, moonlight

Hunter- trapjkbomb

Mage- vito, kony

Rogue- reckful,Androllic, Gaspedal
Priest- folowtraffic, djpws, cole

Warlock- n/a

Paladin- judgejudy

Druid- honorlo, Whyrl, poisonhearte

Shaman- Phrontistery, whyrl

Monk- Nghtmarez, kitpou

DH- Timecrunch

DK- vito

Evoker- n/a

FCs - Life, Grimz, Zulu and Honorlo
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Warrior- Fluxxwav, moonlight

Hunter- trapjkbomb

Mage- vito, kony

Rogue- reckful,Androllic, Gaspedal
Priest- folowtraffic, djpws, cole

Warlock- n/a

Paladin- judgejudy

Druid- honorlo, Whyrl, poisonhearte

Shaman- Phrontistery, whyrl

Monk- Nghtmarez, kitpou

DH- Timecrunch

DK- vito

Evoker- n/a

FCs - Life, Grimz, Zulu and Honorlo

Personally, There are some players that I don't agree and shouldn't be on the list.

Reckful is a skilled rogue but I think Gaspedal is better than him

Nishikataqt > Trapjkbombs. Nishikataqt is really a threat in alliance if you're in horde's POV especially if you're active in bg's not only just wargames. Nishikataqt can literally carry a game even he's playing against 29's. I'm not saying Trapjkbombs ain't good butI saw him playing on Golden Twinkies wargames and Trapjkbombs still has a long way to go

You're better than judgejudy

I agree with your FCs list

Kitpou is a good MW and I forgot to put him/her on the list

Whoknowsme is way more better than poisonhearte and whyrl.

You have some players that you just based it on Golden Twinkies wargames. I played on Life's wargames too and I could tell some players you mentioned shouldn't be on the list
Warrior- Fluxxwavy, Sallya

Hunter- Nishikataqt

Mage- vito

Rogue- Gaspedal

Priest- Hpriest: Folowtraffic Disc: Fryth, Hayleeqt Shadow: None

Warlock- Zaradralys

Paladin- Neon

Druid- Honorlomvp, Whoknowsme

Shaman- Phrontistery

Monk- WW: Nghtmarez MW: Orangej BM: None

DH- None

DK- vito

Evoker- Djdrago, Diarrhea

These are the current (active) players who plays best on each classes. I've been spectating their game for couple of months and players that on the list are the consistent ones also plays pretty good
Archangel and I are the best 20 Shadow Priests.
Putting honorlo on a "best of" list makes the bait too obvious, guys

Gonna need a little more subtlety from yall in the future
honorlo is alot better than in slands he has really improved alot as a player, he even plays a godly shadow priest too
i was legit just thinking about quitting wow then this thread comes up
The only thing you need to quit is eating Mcdonald's.
Who is this vito dk, not showing up jn google except some classic hardcore
Who is vito x2, the only DK I know who's a main and tryhard and worth mentioning is Thana. He was the only one as geared as my Vandragoon
Warrior- Fatboob, Sallya, Trodento, Dre, Warmachine, Bigpala, Chops.

Hunter- Almond, Rudimentario, Dfac, Goohd, Traffik, Saitamax, Rancio, Trapgod, ßrøken.

Rogue- Visual, Paigexd, Dimitri, Joey, Odi.

Priest: Banishedjr, thømmy, Díotima, Alsocoolzo.

Warlock- ßoßtheßolter.

Mage: Smallxforces

Paladin- Tence, ßêê, Argentxø, Light, Dárkbringer, Miles, Rob, Mètatrøn, Sweettooth.

Druid- Honorlo, Aszpros, Hod, Chelly, Derpýhooves, Niz, Thotfc, Twomoredots, Kittykitcat, Toxic, Oxygen, Shiftymcswag.

Shaman- Dy, Phrontistery, Ki, Caseykisses, Multitotem.

Monk- Ecuamonk, Glock, Akamizinha, Neon.

DH- Djtsgdh, Izual, Sléep.

DK- Odin, Thana.

Evoker- n/a

I've been searching through several posts and forums to be as accurate as possible, and in my opinion, with so many years of PvP and twinking, I believe this is the approximate list of people I consider the best.

By: Vandragoon, Sömbrasküll, Maxyz.
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I can't find the paladins mentioned in the first two posts - judgejudy and Neon.
Maybe someone has a list of active paladins 20 lvl?
visual paige and odi were really fun rogues to que into in bgs Good times.

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