US Best of 19s all time

For all intents and purposes I am (the real) Pwntage. Technically I made both the rogue and paladin, and both videos. My brother took over the rogue when I made my paladin. Definitely remember watching some of those though haha. Was always fun finding the new twink items when a new patch would come out.

I remember you guys for sure. MerryJr and BigClancy were both beast FCs. Two of the best. I don't think anyone ever came close to Perfection as far as FCing perfection (pun intended) went. The dude was insane. Lots of wall jumps, but insane all the same.

Thank you for clearing that up for me haha. Those videos were awesome, the obliviate duel is immortal for our generation, i watched it the other day. MYT movie was also legendary - i wish i could find it online

I can't remember who Perfection played for, but I may have played against him on the ptr in some of those organized premades - alot of 19s had alternative names on the ptr so its hard to say. i remember the name as one of the top fc's though.

@Blackout did you used to hang out in Meat Puppets ventrilo?
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im the best
Best of "all time" including previous expansions? Seems like a bunch of Cata to WoD babies listed.

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