Best level 70 Rogue and Priest in the world - a MUST read.

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Yow and Seablues worst nightmare.

This. hahahaha
Btw, that photo is photoshoped, our team name is in full capitals.. and our team we played in at 1700 mmr was called SUPMANG and we didn't lose a game at that mmr? nice photoshop fail.. team is called: CHASE in captials and we didn't make it till 2.2k mmr LOLLOLLOLOLOLOL fail.
and didn't you ask for our team name in a post before? so you could do this.. shame its : CHASE not Chase.. capitals bruv ;p l2p but atleast your desperate enough to photoshop you fail hahahahahahahaha luv it
seems we got some people mirin us


But yeah it WAS photoshopped, you guys haven't lost, there isn't a team called chase, you guys are still #1. Though we HAVE beaten a disc priest/rogue team, I doubt we could beat you guys =P

No harm no foul eh?

And where does it say in my post that I actually beat you guys? I simply mentioned that this screenie would be your worst nightmare, considering how much you guys have ramped up your incredible skillz on this forum =P

Between you and me, figuring out the drop shadow on the lettering was a pain in the ass =P

Again, I will reiterate: This photo WAS photoshopped, I don't think we could ever get @ yows level, but I thought this would be a funny troll to come out with. I hoped it would be kinda obvious it was a troll, especially since I asked for the team name beforehand. I checked the armories and neither of you were on the same team, and thus, didn't have a rating yet....=S

I did make sure I got the health and mana correct tho =P
Lol yet that screen shot failed to show that yow dc'd? but yh sure lol w.e gg
screenshotting a dc'd match.

That fight never happened o_O did you really get beat by a prot pally resto shaman?

I certainly hope not....that would completely dash my hopes for you guys to run all the way to rank 1 legit =(
That fight never happened o_O did you really get beat by a prot pally resto shaman?

I certainly hope not....that would completely dash my hopes for you guys to run all the way to rank 1 legit =(

Couldn't remember it tbh, but I know yow had 2 second delays all night so yeah I just thought it was could of that ;p if it was true ;p
Ok, awesome. I can change up the rating and arena name to make it look more legit if you want? Of course everywhere it's posted we can make sure everyone knows its fake. I spent a good chunk of my time looking for good screenies with the proper coloring for the job, don't want all that work to go to waste =P

Btw Yow, your name is not fuzzy, it's just how the picture rendered. however, your icon next to your name is a bit softer than the others because I accidentally used a high res icon there, instead of a low res free-transformed into a small 5x5 pixel length icon. I can also get that cleaned up as well if you guys want?

Oh yeah and the party chat was all photoshopped as well, which is why I needed a proper solid background to make it look like the original party chat never happened.

All in all, nice attempt eh?
Yowxd said:
Wonder why he speaks like someone from London, oh right yeah now I remember XDDDDDDDDD.

Anyway I'm quite surprised your actually posting again on this topic as last time you did you were like "OH FK YH MAN YOW AND DOG FINALLY LOST JEEEEZUS".

You should know better /palm.

You talk and write like an absolute idiot do i look like i give a toss about arena? no obvs. It's just so hilarious watching a pair of blatent 15 year olds defend themselves from utter scrutiny, you talk about skills and declaring yourselves top notch arena players on such overpowered classes with linear and non diverse talent points, even a moron can play this game and by the sounds of it you are. why don't you play the most underpowered classes at the moment and try reach to the "top" with them? maybe this twink community won't give you so much stick for epeening
HI CHILLTON FRENDE. Seablue dont say anything about Hydra 9, it showed gameplay skilled gamplay even. Your teaser is just shitters vs shit players.
Yowxd said:
Hydra 9 was awful as 95% of the 85 community would agree on, shiny edits, boring as fuck game play.

Hydra 9 was awful because cataclysm is awful. And 70 is 20 times worse than 85. 70 has no balance AT ALL also no skill.
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