Best High ELO Champions (LoL)

i want a list of good high ELO champions since i play pantheon and he seems like a crappy hero when the enemies are coordinated and actually know what they are doing
Mostly any champ can be played (and is played) at high elo so long as the team composition is right. Pantheon I imagine is just harder because he requires being fed to be effective as the game progresses (similar to Garen). He's all about early-mid game dominance. Obviously it's harder to feed on players that actually know how to play against/counter a Pantheon. So if you were to play him, you need to ensure you have a very good early game presence and you need to make sure your team centers around ending the game quickly.

Annie, Anivia, MF, Kennen, Sion, Pantheon, TF, Nidalee and Shaco are all decent champs early-mid game. Then their effectiveness starts to drop off unless fed. Anyone is free to disagree with me if they want. But hardly any mage scales as well late game (except perhaps Veigar) unlike Hard AD carries.

Throw in some decent support like Janna and you've got a really good team composition with Pantheon.

With that said, don't have a Sivir, Trynd, Ashe, Corki, Yi etc on your team and expect to do as well with Pantheon, as these champs are all late-game and will not be as effective early-mid game in helping you get fed/farmed.
Pantheon is a great champ imo, just like painaid said you need to get fed to reach max potential.

try playing less aggressively early game and just get levels and gold, if you die alot early that's pretty much gg for you.

also all the good pantheons i've played against ran through the jungle alot and would hit that spear attack when someone was going down to steal kills from people, if you cant find a noob to feed on that's probably your next best bet. If you're doing that id suggest using teleport and ghost as well.
Anivia is, in my opinion, one of the strongest champions in the game at the moment.
Llare said:


I don't understand why she isn't as widely played as she should be. Once I learned how to play her well, I never lost mid against anyone, including Vlad, MF, Ashe, etc.
Orcgasm said:
I don't understand why she isn't as widely played as she should be. Once I learned how to play her well, I never lost mid against anyone, including Vlad, MF, Ashe, etc.

She is; is just so redic boring to play, because she's that overpowered. She should be banned more often too.

Mages/Assassins should always beat Ranged Physical Carries Mid; is just how it should be ;p. Anivia doesn't lose mid vs anything. Is litterally impossible.

And Ashe, lol, so squishy. Pure feed for Birt.
Bird's egg isn't that great. Especially outside laning phase. And even if you don't kill her, the simple fact of denying her kills is enough to reduce her viability as the game progresses. She's also extremely slow and has a massive hit box. Her auto attacks are also extremely pathetic making her farming capabilities early game lackluster at best. And if you want to counter her, take her blue buff.

As for anecdotal evidence: I've never lost to a bird mid as Nidalee either.

Not convinced any mage in the game is 'overpowered'. Just thank Elementz for her sudden elevation on his tier list as to why she's so 'OP' now because she literally hasn't hardly been touched in months. I'm not a fan of bandwagon champs...
i'm starting to become fond of junglers now that Amumu and Warwick are free, does Amumu jungler-tank do well in high ranked games or are other tanks better? is Warwick good? (obviously the fastest jungler)
Amumu can jungle. That's about it. There's tons of better junglers out there than him, including Warwick. There's also tanks out there better than jungling than him, such as Rammus and Udyr.

But yeah, being able to jungle in itself is a huge plus because it gives your team an edge on experience gain and every competitive team needs one.
Just want to note that I just looked at the new tier list yesterday, and that saying Anivia was the most powerful was purely my own opinion, not just a copypaste from Elementz
Anything played by me.
I just started playing LoL. My first shot at an RTS'ish type game. My friend suggested starting off with Garen.

He seems to be a really good beginner's class.

-decent survivability

-good damage

-easy to understand mechanics
Orcgasm said:
I don't understand why she isn't as widely played as she should be. Once I learned how to play her well, I never lost mid against anyone, including Vlad, MF, Ashe, etc.

Except those games that you played with me and you got completely owned but other than that you know... I guess you could say that (liar).

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