'Best' healer + dps combination for battlegrounds?


I am just curious what people think are the best healer and dps duo for general battlegrounds play in this bracket. I would be looking to do pugs, and have a pair of characters that is a good all around combination with at least a bit of survivability; that is to say, I am not specifically interested in a pair that is the best solely at running flags in WSG, but suffers in other areas, for example.

I was thinking perhaps holy paladin and some sort of warrior, though I may be completely off with this one. Any input would be appreciated. Thank you very much.
hunter+disc priest is a very solid combo as long as you can kite and the horde team isnt rolling 3 shamans deep....works well for me.....

id say warrior+holy pally would probably be the easiest and most common
Warrior + Holy Pally, hands down. The function of the holy paladin is that it cannot be nuked easily and has an almost limitless mana pool with BOW on, hof, joj and bop, warrior has enough avoidance stats to take a nuke and cooldowns when the paladin is locked down. Aura mastery provides immunity to CS and kick etc. Because BG's are so chaotic you the Holy Paladin is unlikely to be mana burned - it's chief weakness in arena. If he is taking burns you're obviously in a pug :p.
Yep Warrior Paly. Amazing survivability due to both classes being mail. Both classes have 0 downtime, meaning they can fight off waves and waves of incs (think: two lone people defending a node against zergs). The only problem with warriors is that theyre easily kitable - Hand of Freedom fixes that. Both classes have ample CCs with Hamstring, Intimidating Shout, Paly stuns. Theres also all the Blessings and Auras from Paladins that are unbeatable buffs.

Hunter-Priest is better for shorter battles, or versing other twinks. Both classes are pretty squishy and Priests OOM fairly fast. However they can kite very well and put out amazing burst.
useabandage said:
lol....oh and priest rogue is by far one of the best combos out there, you can sht on holy pally war so easily.

:eek: i thought you were done with wow
holy pally affliction warlock still wrecks pretty hard
Affliction lock / any healer really. Myself (Disc Priest) and an affliction lock would charge into the initial horde charge with the zerker buff and absolutely obliterate their offense. It would quickly turn into us sitting under the graveyard picking them off as they jumped down. Mana was never an issue because of resto huts and plenty of opportunities to drink.

Afflictions can put out stupid amounts of dps on multiple targets by dot tabbing that they're easily the most effective dps in BGs. All other dps can only really burst down one target at a time effectively, allowing others to escape easily unless they're all bunched up (rarely happens unless you're standing in the GY itself [don't do this, its uber lame]). Any good healer is enough to keep a lock up no problem.
elesian said:
...clearly trolling.

with him it works out really well, useabandage and slightoblade in the same bg is sad......wtb my own pocket healer:D
For BGs I think holy priest / arms (SS) warrior works very well. I can throw up a renew and kill stuff as well to regenerate more mana (650 smites ftw). It's also a lot more fun for the healer :p
I'm a big fan of hunter/druid. Lots of mobility and their abilities are complementary.

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