Best healer class 19 bracket?

Im wondering what class u would say is the best class to heal with in the 19 bracket.

Im planning on level a healer alt to 80 through BG's and gonna see with class is best from 10-60. so if u have tryed the oter bracketrs like 20-29 and 30-39 what class would u say is the best one.
for a lvler i would say its probably a druid or shaman since they have the best survivability with out having to gear up. For geared up, twinked out straight WSG healing its probably druid or priest, Priest for stationary targets, but druids have more manouvrebility and can follow a FC at speed.
Mhm. I would do a pallly cause they can AoE, Carry Flag in WSG and they can heal. Well my druid went great but sometimes it wasnt really good :(
FrostShockIsOP said:
What aoe are you talking about =s

a spell they dont have at 19 but they get it at like lvl 22 or something its called Consecration(or something like that)

and i would say shammy or druid, because of there survivabilty, and they can take all kind of jobs in BGs, Heal, Flag tank, dps(even with resto talent :p but the dps just sux)
mebbeh he means my glyph which makes 10% of my heal spill over on all friendly targets w/in 10 yds. lol. Priest all the way viable in all situations.

but only because druid is the only class i can play all the way to 80 in one go.

i get bored to easily ._.
Resto shamans, because they are kick ass healers at 80.
For lvl 19 healing a fc - druid

every other situation - priest

Pally heals are too slow and drain the mana pretty quick.

Shamans, I don't know... I love the totems...
Druid takes the spot hands down imo, so much mobility, .5 sec heals/instant heals/HOTs

what more could you ask for?
Shamans and priests are the only premade viable healers at 19. In a premade a druid only has healing touch and regrowth without the HoT because that FC is going to be getting dispel'd like a betch. Meaning a majority of their heals is taken away when the healing really counts... I priest or shaman doesn't have this problem as badly as a druid does. Plus shamans can earthbind the O, tremor for your FC/Other D healer, and drop stoneclaw for a non-pushbacked heal.
I love priests, so squishy and hardly ever seen these days... Curse you hunters, shamans, rogues and druids D:
Pallies are pro healers if you stack mp5 and sp.
Druid healers are pretty good at 19, with SP stacking and Glyph of Healing Touch, you heal hard and fast. And as mentioned before, they can follow the FC and the EFC if it's a shammy or Druid to.

And if ur not planning on premading but only puggin all the way, dispelling shouldn't be the biggest problem.

Good luck.

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