Best friend list thread

We are all aware that the "BEST 19 EU" threads are pretty pointless, lots of cock-stroking and bias.
But they at least gave me the idea to make this thread.

So instead of listing our friends and calling them the best and so on (yes I'm aware this isn't always the case and people do actually point out players they actually think are the best sometimes) this thread will be about the people that made our experience in this bracket great, Can be anything but please try to have some kind of explanation to why and maybe what that player did to affect your ventures in this bracket.

Here is mine

Callneto aka Callhóts - Got to know him after I transferred to Tarren-Mill, Awesome friend, we played for hours on end and he was always helping me improve.
Befeared/Drunkirl - First twink i really got to know, we both played together back on Ravenholdt. Used to queue skirmish arena all day long back then as lock rogue.

Twinkly - Guild leader of WMCA, the guild I was in on Ravenholdt. Nice guys he thought me about theorycrafting and numerous other things mostly rogue related stuff. Thanks Twinkly!
Trialdruid - Big part of Heroic Twinks. He contributed metric shit-tons to my wsg performance with helpful advice.
Imnottwinked - Saw this guy in a bg when I was levelling an rogue alt, had no clue what twinking was but right after the bg i looked it up and decided to try it out, happy we met Imy.

Arrowsinc - Hours upon hours spent chatting with this guy about anything you can think of, really chill and down to earth person.
Mequin - Known him since my days on Tarren-Mill, this guy makes me laugh.
Wopper - Great leader, cool guy. Beast at wsg.
Enabled - every rogue needs a dispel bot and though they may not know we do appreciate them very much.
Nana/Janar - Really dedicated player, awesome at any game he touches.

Azol - Really cool guy once you get to know him.
Peppers - Never spoken to him but I've probably 1v1'd this guy more than anyone else, every time we faced each other in arena we would 1v1. Took me an awful lot of tries but when I finally managed to beat him it was great.

Twiba, Sunflower, that paladin guy from WMCA who's name I can't remember, Beerra, Oath, Cowblackout, Osiri, Vigdoria, Yirman, Phisherman, Satanah, Ownaque, Mamey, Yamaraj, Gex, Kagg, Mamabeef, Papabeef, Buddhist, Nomad, Fabb, Christié, Hasted, Touchdown, Quliez, Mojito (had lock in etpg can't remember name), Wildlife, Tortmerstoe, Orcfood, Healser, picnick, Gravity. might have missed a few

Thanks guys n gals! <3

Shout-outs to <WMCA> and <Heroic Twinks>
Wopper - 1st generation A-Team'er, most inspirational guild leader I have ever met in my time that I have spent in wow, the most laid back, chill & mature person I have ever met in a game, a personal loss for me when I heard he would retire wow for real life stuff, one of the members that is in my favourite top 15 twinks of all time list
Jeall - 1st generation A-Team'er made the Heroic Twinks vs E T Phone Gnome premade happen
Trialpally - 1st generation A-Team'er, a real life friend of mine and a great apprentice in Heroic Twinks
Sinco - Wopper's former right hand man, 1st generation A-Team'er, I used to have a grudge for this guy for basicly nothing but I have nothing but the utmost respect for this guy nowadays, good player overall
Rude - 1st generation A-Team'er
Broadsword - 1st generation A-Team'er, funny guy and old like in his 40ish when he played in tbc
Taurenmilker aka Haxzoor - 1st generation A-Team'er
Feeltheheal - 1st generation A-Team'er, got replaced and got mad about it still I liked playing with him and I don't have a grudge for this guy
Vigdoria - 1st generation A-Team'er, assisting GM of Heroic Twinks, led Heroic Twinks along side Wopper, went to ruin our clean score in the 10vs10 premade Heroic Twinks had vs Bigger Needs R.I.P Vaj, Thewatchaa & Brag with old 19 bracket
Dutch druid - 1st generation A-Team'er
Azol - Assisting GM of <Happy Street Anglers> 2nd generation A-Team'er good at 3.3.5 RvR, doesn't play retail much anymore
Osiri - 2nd generation A-Team'er played a long time but joined our ranks only in late bc, great community member
Phisherman - Biggest douchebag in tbc manner wise a bit like the core of Tough Love acts big and doesn't really ever do anything
was ok at this game
Yirman - 2nd generation A-Team'er
Satanah - 2nd generation A-Team'er, an apprentice of Heroic Twinks, always fun to play with him
Stubs - Apprentice of Heroic Twinks, used to less uptight back in the days
Todd - Apprentice of Heroic Twinks, had fun playing with him
Eggy - recruit from ravenholdt, an apprentice of Heroic twinks, is fun to play with
Cowblackout - big douchebag but knew how to play warriors
Picnick - solid horde fc from vanilla
Phonebook - solid ally fc from vanilla
Vo - got hated so much on Misery but helped me a lot on my twink on Eonar
Callneto - assisting GM of <Happy Street Anglers> and should be the GM since he was in the original roster of the orginail <Happy Street Anglers> was fun to play with before and now
Blackout & Jaxel - One of the first twinks in this bracket I ever saw, fun to play with and contributed a lot to this bracket, made some of the items & other stuff that is now known - known
Everstride - Great hunter & fun to play with
Moonfirespam - best druid that has ever played this bracket from all the players I have seen play and sadly since the skill lvl in 19 has deterriorated (ty for this analysis Zimt I agree) probably will always be the #1 druid in EU
Honeychild - great priest & fun to play with and against
Thewatchaa - good paladin & fun to play against
Mequin - from original <Happy Street Anglers> fun to play with, still don't approve your name change
Taurenwannabe - fun to play with and I love this guy in the most heterosexual way but I wish he still played 19s
Gextart - I had a feud with him but I liked to play with and against him a great shaman overall
Brag - Fun guy & fun to play against
Roula - gets really emotional sometimes but fun to play with and against, great shaman as well
Litharia - great player, fun to play with & against
Oath - couldn't always beat him in duels, fun to play with & against
Yamaraj - great lock, fun to play with & against
Vaj - okey player, fun to play against
Painaid - solid fc, never played with him but seems to know what he does
Roguerr & the likes - huge trolls, made random PuGs worth it though
Regulate - okey shaman fun to play with
Kurian - good warrior, fun to play with
Mesikämmen - ok player if he didn't rage at all he would be ok community member as well
Omgmom - ok player, was fun to duel
Mamey - 2vs2 arenas in wrath was fun
Ownaque - back in the day he was rolling with a really badly geared paladin but has improved some to this day, his attitude is just a bit meh, good apprentice however not sure who mentored him though
Trickery - great rogue, fun to play with
Rolt - Fun to play with when he still was playing in misery
Shazz - okey player, fun to play with
Yûp - when he still played on tarren mill, apprentice of heroic twinks used to be fun to play with now he has some attitude problem towards me
Quelsun - annoying but fun to play with against
Clutch - okey rogue shouldn't have name change fun to play with & against
the alliance guild that beat E T Phone Gnome don't remember the names but they were good too and made bracket worth playing
chicks with ducks, E T Phone Gnome, Superiority Complex, Bigger Needs etc horde guilds that fought bravely vs the biggest guild on misery that was Heroic Twinks, all the ally guilds I played with in my years of gaming and the players that played in them who I didn't name, thanks for your time as well, all the US players that still play making it possible to play in US too if I so decided
All the okey players from <First Blood> of Reckoning, Natalya and other ppls props for you too, do you feel lucky, aygat that made the bracket worth playing
all the apprentices that played in Heroic Twinks and made passing knowledge worth it
all the names I named above that made the bracket worth it
all the people that I helped and still play made this bracket worth it
everything mentioned above made the bracket worth it

Edit typos, cba correct all of them
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Dont usually engage in this type of shit but.. (Life story inc) Firstly made a hunter when i installed wow... did some BG's in vanilla... met this kickass rogue who would never die.. he had the x2 meadows, AGM back when it gave +12 dodge rating and a bunch of other cool shit like naxx shoulders (in vanilla... thats huge) that guy was Called Warbay and he was a nelf rogue on Quel'thalas... seeing him destroy 10 people solo made me twink. so i rolled an orc rogue to basically make it my goal to kill the sonofab***h. It worked :)

Then til Now -
Woah / Yamaraj - Became a real good friend of mine irl and (I KNOW YOUR READING THIS SO GIMME A FUCKING WEDDING INVITE JESUS)
Gex/Gextart/Gextne/Gexplosion/Gextnt/Wargex - Douchebag.. got me arrested on my visit to Norway
Omgmom - Bigger Douchebag caused me to get busted with some ridiculous Harold and Kumar got the munchies shit.
Kontaktbog / Telefonbog / Phonebook - To this day.. he is singlehandedly the best rogue ive ever fought against.. Fuck his FC shit, nobody can touch this guy in a rog duel i swear never seen him lose 1v1
RvR when he actually played rogue.
Brimful / Arrowsinc - Nicke was a QT now hes a landscape architect
Overall those 5 guys made me enjoy playing my tinke.. there inactivity generally made me quit

Other Mentions:
Heroic Twinks - Literally your premades used to piss me off so bad... literally you guys didnt queue unless it was 6+ people in a raid lol.. Wopper was average but knew EVERYTHING to do in EVERY situation, Vigdoria cried, Trialdruid used to fucking speed around the gulch like he was on speed capping flags, Phisherman was an absolute monster, Broadsword would never ever ever ever die and always turn me into a leper, Azol used to be a qt little gnome now he holds his own and people flame him for being decent.

ETPG - Used to duel your rogues in skirmishes, there was maybe 1 decent rogue called Markix or sumit... ud male, he was decent i know he was dutch or sumit.. CBO / Picnick are the biggest trolls in history and were funny as hell to play with

Swing - Reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly sound guy, i mean really! shame he doesnt have much time to play anymore and when he does hes pockethealing the shit outta our RBG's :D
Osiri - Baddest mofo on the planet, wicked priest .. and her starshards used to piss me off like crazy!
Quelsun - Wicked priest also!
Wrathblade - Loved the look of your toon but you were semi shit and got carried on gear sorry! cried abit too much i.e when you lost duels and would flame on our server :)
Ryrith - MY GOD DUDE.. this guy has never given me so much LOL. pretty sick player too. p.s i heard you keep fb stalking me so chill and just get in contact lol 2KAYGOLDORSUMFIN ARENA CARD ETAMS.
Blackout - He's shared my experiences of norway and what it has to offer.. only ever played against him once on cyclone in arena and got steamrolled and he prolly doestn even remember lol... P.S heard you have a ginger beard now eww....
Mequin / Pocky - QT gnome... clownwalker!

Kam, Vaj, Booyah. you guys were all really sound too
Double shoutout to Gex for being the best twink ever in existence.. he would trash anybody who played him now. i generally have never seen him die on a toon.

Sorry if i offended anyone / missed anyone!

Essay over / Peace! sorry for wall of text lol
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jango gesine tio hellwin mesikämmen critrage footz ady noobie zischo nazz viotin dawoman eriwen sely pittyvaich randale Omfg nolfen overpowed alala klatzenfeder pwnbyme gänseblümchn moquai
And all other chars from:

Band of Brothers
Wild Cards
Ze Germans
Om nom Rum
Dont usually engage in this type of shit but.. (Life story inc) Firstly made a hunter when i installed wow... did some BG's in vanilla... met this kickass rogue who would never die.. he had the x2 meadows, AGM back when it gave +12 dodge rating and a bunch of other cool shit like naxx shoulders (in vanilla... thats huge) that guy was Called Warbay and he was a nelf rogue on Quel'thalas... seeing him destroy 10 people solo made me twink. so i rolled an orc rogue to basically make it my goal to kill the sonofab***h. It worked :)

Sadly those werent naxx's but sploits, but allways loved seeing him in bg's with his cap ap gear of the time!
i would make a list but im heterosexual.
ok so ima keep this short and just name a few people i enjoyed playing with over the years.
You got the obvious such as cowblackout picnick arrowsinc netch laughs vipeax from etpg.
Some from other guilds such as wopper peppers mequin osiri yirman eggbert zalloth iuxni cant rly remember every1 to list them.

"Dishonorable" mentions - Cant remember names apart from a few so here goes.
Broadsword - Hated that guy blew pots and leper ray everyfight and was never 10m from a healer
Vigdoria - Horrible attitude, ok skilled just generally really annoying.
Clutch - Not rly a dishonorable mention but would love to know what happened with u if u could pm me with some insight that would be gr8.
since u fagits just list ppl frmo 10 years ago ill list plantaris he was real cutie in vindication battlegrp o and ídctwink 2 even tho i didnt speak 2 him also kinh is rly nice those 3 r ppv legend from vindication

vindication #1 u c
since u fagits just list ppl frmo 10 years ago ill list plantaris he was real cutie in vindication battlegrp o and ídctwink 2 even tho i didnt speak 2 him also kinh is rly nice those 3 r ppv legend from vindication

vindication #1 u c

Word, except for the kinh part ofc eu
Mesikabear because his arse tastes nice
Aethia, Yufie, Deltron, Eriwen, Peni, Bubbleumad because they listen to my spam
Batteryhead, Looti, Nonaim because they listened to my spam in TBC/WotLK
so here's my list:

Mesikämmen, Generally a very nice person that 'I talk with pretty much everyday, he's the coolest guy to people who are not a douche towards him (TL) and im sure a very good friend IRL :p

Eljero: cool kid :D

Sindlaqtek: very nice guy, same music taste ^^

Pittyvaich: gotta love our argues between Reckful and Khuna <3 (Reckful is best)

and alot of guys from tbc on my old twinking realm Bloodhoof in the guild TwinkingMans Crumpet.
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I don't know so many of the 15-19 bracket, mainly because a bunch of players are rude and arrogant.
Yes, if you get to know them they may be nice, but it's the signal they send to strangers that suck.

I don't know so many of the 15-19 bracket, mainly because a bunch of players are rude and arrogant.
Yes, if you get to know them they may be nice, but it's the signal they send to strangers that suck.


Recently started twinking?

Wasn't always like this you know :)
No, but I am relatively new to 15-19.
And I am already getting away from it x)

Good call man, there is nothing left in this bracket to play for, no competetion 'cause of the activity and even hard to get into PuGs 'cause of the activity, balance is worse than before (3.3.5 & pre patches) and just bunch of people who just flame and share their "meaningful" opinions instead of trying to preach knowledge or arguing over something useful but I guess that happens when people twist what others say to suit their theories and go on spitting whatever half-truths first come in their mouths but I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours
Good call man, there is nothing left in this bracket to play for, no competetion 'cause of the activity and even hard to get into PuGs 'cause of the activity, balance is worse than before (3.3.5 & pre patches) and just bunch of people who just flame and share their "meaningful" opinions instead of trying to preach knowledge or arguing over something useful but I guess that happens when people twist what others say to suit their theories and go on spitting whatever half-truths first come in their mouths but I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours

Thank you mate ;)
But F2P and 15-19 is the only one working atm, and both are destroyed by arrogants and 24s etc :)
where to get active then? :)

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