Best FC class?


Just wanted to get everyones opinions on this topic. Im sure its been discussed before but i couldnt find it. So holla back with your thoughts on the best FC and why. I want details as to why, things that make them stand out from the other viable FC classes. Thanks in advance for your input
I love druid best, done all. Pally be better for pugs IMO, but druids are best for jumps
There really is no correct answer for which class is the best FC because there's so many different factors that have to be taken into consideration.

What class setup does your team have? What class setup does the opposing team have? Who are the players on each class for your team and the opposing team? What class restrictions are present? What sort of strategies are both teams running? Are you queuing for a premade or just pugs? The list goes on and on.

Ideally, if all of the stars align I would go with a Warrior over a Druid or Paladin. Then again that's just my opinion and it's subject to change at any time.
Ok cool thanks guys, could you give me more detail on specific class strengths? Like obviously Druids have roots and some of the best mobility. What about warriors? What they got? Poland as far as pallys most people play holyFC? Or prot?

Thanks again
Warriors got the most damage reduction.

Paladins got almost as good damage reduction but good heals as well to support yourself and your team.

Druids have lesser damage reduction and lacks good healing throughput, but can easier break out of roots and snares.
Warriors - Best for the ideal premade setup as of 4.3

Druid / Paladin - Best for pick up groups

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