Best Fc class/spec?

What about BM monks? Though their dmg reduction isnt as good as warrs/druids, they might have, together with frost mages, the best kiting ability at 19, and they are still able to run from enemies after 4 stacks, with roll.

i dont think roll works with 4 stacks but charge and travelform leap does
over all fc classes i enjoy prot warrior the most, defensive stance+armor+block/dodge=best fc class
i dont think roll works with 4 stacks but charge and travelform leap does
Well this would definately change it, can somebody verify this?
Well this would definately change it, can somebody verify this?

Well I haven't played monk but I've heard from multiple sources that it doesn't work with stacks, and never seen anyone roll with +4 stacks so... I can't confirm you this :D
Roll doesn't do anything with 4+ stacks.
I dont have any experience with gaurdian druid, but from playing a 20 resto FC i would lean towards gaurdian over protwar b/c i find displacer beast to be fantastic for juking noobs and avoiding burst after 4 stacks.

just using displacer as a blink? i have been using feline swiftness and it seems to be pretty great...until 4 stacks of course. i have found that i can do the alliance tunnel jumps far more easily. it's possible to hit the second tier of the tunnel from the top in one need to jump onto the little wooden block any more.

i've been rolling around as resto in full feral gear with the resil shoulders, weapon and trinket, and it's absolutely cheating. 5 point ferocious bite still crits for well over 1k so i can hold my own against attackers. rejuv spam and swiftmend are op as hell. go female tauren and you're guaranteed to hit the horde wall jump 100% of the time. warstomp is far and away the best fc druid racial. perfect your jumps, learn to backstrafe and fakecast, learn to juke, and you've got the best fc class (for solo queuing) IMO. roll a prot war like everyone else for premades or if you have a dedicated healer. i just find sitting on the roof while some dude casts pw:s on me for 20 minutes to be boring as fuck though.

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