Making new account to do free to play whats the best lvl 20 twinking class to have fun with
I was about to say "No one said huntard? :O"Hunter unfortunately, even without gear, they pull decent dps, have no interruptible abilities, and decent surviability/ defensives. At 20, you get Hi-Explosive Trap and Explosive Shot as MM, granting hunters gap-wideners and the ability to wipe teams at LM and EotS. The main weakness of the class is no self-sustain but you will outdps every class before they can touch you
Afli cleave is just fun.Affliction lock is for the hipster who wants to be OP like a hunter but doesn't want to 'be like the other girls'
Blood DK and holy paladin is fun, holy paladin is fucking nuts actually
cute furry classMaking new account to do free to play whats the best lvl 20 twinking class to have fun with