Best Enchant for Glacial Stone??

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I was thinking today what would be the best enchant for Glacial Stone.

I was thinking maybe +20haste rating due to the slow speed of the weapon, or maybe +9dmg for max dps.

Obviously there are other choices such as crusader and +25agility but wanted to get peoples' opinions' on what they think.

Thanks. Write soon :)
i believe crusader/fiery is best. Taking advantage of the proc rate.
Depends. If you're a paladin, 20 haste is an option since you get 40% more melee hast than other classes. This is debatable since you only benefit from the melee haste if you stay on your target for multiple swing timers.

Best dps would be fiery and tbh I'd rather use crusader than lifestealing if you want the possible heal proc.
since it is such a slow weapon, i'd probably stack haste, 10 haste gloves and 20 haste on the stone. that should bring it near a slow 1h speed, which is quite nice for proc. if not that, i'd say crusader.
Ieshia said:
Sorry if im going to sound like a complete idiot here, but what is proc rate?? :)

The amount of times something happens, lets say you have fiery weapon and the fiery burst happens once in 4 swings , your proc rate would be 25%, hope it's a bit clearer now ><, i suck at explaining these things
fuzzles said:
Depends. If you're a paladin, 20 haste is an option since you get 40% more melee hast than other classes. This is debatable since you only benefit from the melee haste if you stay on your target for multiple swing timers.

Since when do pallies get 40% more melee haste than other classes?
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