Best Comp @85 - Discussion Thread

I think Holy Pala/ Warrior&Feral should be higher on that scale. To be honest A Feral can outplay a rogue anytime as long as he can play his toon.

no hpal comp should beat a rogue or spriest team unless its hpal spriest
but yes disc feral can beat rogue disc if they are slightly better
in an even match up disc rogue should beat disc feral

ive done alot of rogue feral v rogue disc as both comps and i found as rogue disc you can just win 100-0 in a cheapshot killing a 68% feral in bear with 200k hp
priest will say bb with the new battlefatigue introduction.
Disc/mage, fotm as it is, will counter many comps, including SP/rogue unless you can get a REAL good opener

Counter us, really? We found beating that comp quite easy in the 70 bracket (where mages are missing frostbomb but nothing else and priests only mass dispel and grip) Now at 85 we have way more CC as a comp than we do at 70 and we have had no real problems vs this comp.
Don't forget that mastery could play a bigger role for mages/discs vs your comp. Getting caught without a trinket/dispersion is a near-instant death vs mages in this bracket. Spriests are really controllable overall, and easily countered by a disc/mage setup.
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