Best class to pug with?

Was gonna say resto druid, healing and fc'ing, But Pryo's opinion seems smart, holy palas can FC, heal and dps
Depends on faction. Hpall on ally hunter on horde .
If I play objective: Druid, Warrior, Rogue
If I play in mid 4 da lulz: Any class that can do decent damage and keep himself alive long enough to score some kills.
I almost cannot pug when I'm not on druid/rog. Cause if I'm playing some mediocre class, I'll have to depend too much on my teammates to win us the game. And teammates are too often jajas or otherwise retarded
I have decided to postpone my p2p adventures for a little and work on my f2ps. Im torn between hpally and boomkin... i think boomy would be best tho
ill just play both
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I have decided to postpone my p2p adventures for a little and work on my f2ps. Im torn between hpally and boomkin... i think boomy would be best tho
ill just play both
Geared hpala can beat a boomy any day: total deno spam hpalas have fuller heals then a boomy! and the herb haste works quite well

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