Boomkin for the range and AoE, Brewmaster for the Statue and insane burst DPS, Havoc DH for burst + it has leech, DK for certain aspects depending on spec, Hunter (BM or possibly Surv) due to their massive AoE (even though one of the PvP talents is unavailable which cuts back on your huge AoE burst), possibly Paladin (you'd have to talk to Zemanov about that as he's the OP Twinkster). I mean I can literally go on and on, different classes legit have different aspects that would make them great so there's no actual best class at the moment as we're still going through this. You could say Boomkin was best, but they're mostly AoE, single target is meh which sucks for the elite rares cause although you can solo them it will still take a bit.