Best bracket to twink at?

Never tried a party sync toon before, but it just occurred to me that it might be a fun way to farm Honor Gear....what’s the deal with them? Are they as strong in a 20s BG as a twink? How should they be geared, etc? Obviously get a much larger kit, but how does the gear/stat scaling compare to a BiS vet? Or is it really just as simple as taking your regular lvl 60, joining a psync 20s group and clapping cheeks in BGs?
depending on the class, they can be pretty good. Classes that rely on enchants to do damage (think warriors, ret, feral, etc) probably not so much but I’ve seen some impressive play from specific healing classes
depending on the class, they can be pretty good. Classes that rely on enchants to do damage (think warriors, ret, feral, etc) probably not so much but I’ve seen some impressive play from specific healing classes

So it disregards iLvl, Enchants and Gems? Could try to queue up tonight as HPal or least get some gear for my main with the honor.

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