best 70 war?

@Stun , pls explain the 20 frost resist? most mages have over 35 spell pen anyway :S
@Stun , pls explain the 20 frost resist? most mages have over 35 spell pen anyway :S

I'm leveling LW for 70 frost resistance to wrist and i will get 20 to head, that's 110 frost resistance unbuffed, with MoW / BoK it will be 145.
I'm leveling LW for 70 frost resistance to wrist and i will get 20 to head, that's 110 frost resistance unbuffed, with MoW / BoK it will be 145.

Well, there is the Flask, that is + 50, 70 Frost resistance from being a dwarf, 20 Resistance from the Engi goggles, 70 resistance from Leatherworking, oh boy, mages'll have a field day with that.

Flask; 50

Dwarf; 70

Goggles; 20

LW Wrist chant; 70

Back enchant; 20

Gyrofreeze ice reflector; 15

Why is he the best warrior ? cause he grinded the insane like a nolife caveman ? 11-6 in 2s ye best warr eu at like 100 mmr @ 85 lvl

Dubstep's Girlfriend is best Warrior worldwide.

Why is she good, cause she wintraded 2,2 in 5s by some guy that has like 50 accounts . I dont really get your guys opinions on whos the "best" warrior, if u'd see a warrior with the ashbringer you'd prolly call him the best 70 twink cause u admirin the weapon, get a clue for gods sake
Sitting at 1750 on my warrior in 2s with double melee comp. As SMF can hit arounf 4-8 k crits with everything popped, and hit a 10.5K execute in arathi basin last week(Keep in mind i'm only using S4 main hand and off hand). Also hit a 12.8K crit in a duel with execute.

About le frost resi, dwarf doesnt stack, I made a 210 fresi enha shammy (sacrificing resi for fresi isn't that smart so its probs le best class to do it with). Ended up resisting 3/20 average. Full resists do occur rarely and theyre a huge help, but i ended up dying from fbolt plus 2 lances either way. Its basically not worth it, ur wayyyyyy better off with resi stacking.

On topic, there are no decent wars on 70 (not saying there are no skilled ones), since u just dont have your leap yet, and u just cant get to decent mages without it. Hope sometime blizz learns fo even out all levels, without heroic leap u can only go fury, and decent players know fury is just shit in pvp. Besides, blood craze and second wind are musts, so basically no spec is viable cause of that + no enraged regen. Sorry to sto ur r1 dreams, hf rerolling mage/rogue
About le frost resi, dwarf doesnt stack, I made a 210 fresi enha shammy (sacrificing resi for fresi isn't that smart so its probs le best class to do it with). Ended up resisting 3/20 average. Full resists do occur rarely and theyre a huge help, but i ended up dying from fbolt plus 2 lances either way. Its basically not worth it, ur wayyyyyy better off with resi stacking.

On topic, there are no decent wars on 70 (not saying there are no skilled ones), since u just dont have your leap yet, and u just cant get to decent mages without it. Hope sometime blizz learns fo even out all levels, without heroic leap u can only go fury, and decent players know fury is just shit in pvp. Besides, blood craze and second wind are musts, so basically no spec is viable cause of that + no enraged regen. Sorry to sto ur r1 dreams, hf rerolling mage/rogue

Fury isn't shit in pvp, I get higher damage than any other warrior in bgs and I play single minded fury or Titans grip.
Fury isn't shit in pvp, I get higher damage than any other warrior in bgs and I play single minded fury or Titans grip.

How much rating do u have? Any class is good against new players who do not use their abilities and need a couple of seconds to react ^^

If u get on a decent level u get blinked or shadowstepped on intercept, u can pop ur cd, close gap for 1.5 sec, put ur 50% slow, get a 70% slow, get off 2 globals maybe take down mana shield, then get kited for 40 seconds.

Since 90% of the "top" scrubs have either a mage or a rogue, warriors are useless, they are also useless against frost DKs, Enhancement shamans, any type of druid, any healer (Cause of no selfhealing at all but ur sick 200 blood craze ticks which u get like once ever 30 seconds)

I hate how I always have to explain everything on this forum :[
How much rating do u have? Any class is good against new players who do not use their abilities and need a couple of seconds to react ^^

If u get on a decent level u get blinked or shadowstepped on intercept, u can pop ur cd, close gap for 1.5 sec, put ur 50% slow, get a 70% slow, get off 2 globals maybe take down mana shield, then get kited for 40 seconds.

Since 90% of the "top" scrubs have either a mage or a rogue, warriors are useless, they are also useless against frost DKs, Enhancement shamans, any type of druid, any healer (Cause of no selfhealing at all but ur sick 200 blood craze ticks which u get like once ever 30 seconds)

I hate how I always have to explain everything on this forum :[

My rating is sitting just under 1800 on my warrior, and I run with double melee comp, and I only play SMF or titans grip. And any type of druid? If I get a charge off on any type of druid, and pop all cds/etc.. I can nuke them down through their heals, or if it's feral can literally 4 shot it. So no, fury is not bad in pvp.

And in regards to your thought on warriors against rogues or mages, unless the mage ice blocks or hits me with taziks(Assuming it kills me) I can kill him, as arms though, I can't do shit. And why would I waste an intercept on a mage who hasn't even used blink?

Also this is my warrior, if you need screenshots to prove that I get damage up there with the other's(Mages/Spriests/whatever the fuck else is better than a warrior...) then I can provide lots, and I only play fury.
just hoping for him he encounters some decent players one day, and realizes what kind of stuff he is babbling

Its also a tad funny that u can kill so many classes 1v1, but in arena u have 47% win rate with over 180 games played?

This is how we do it mejt:

Think we played against 5 warriors
Guess what? Stomped them all cause they arent viable, and intercept wasnt even nerfed back then
Yep I played a shitload of games, and I have a shitload of losses, but I got my rating up, without a healer comp. Also the link you gave me didn't work, and 5 warriors? Lol, that's an easy comp to beat if anyone in your team has any idea.

Also, regardless of who tells me, Fury > Other specs, the day I can't beat a warrior as fury, is when i'll change.
server xfer to dath remar , duel my warr , ill have you respecing in seconds


after posting this i remembered doing some tests on my lvl 85 friend (dk)

Fury: 15.2 seconds for my kill

Arms: 13.7 seconds for my kill

both with full cds

The 1.5 seconds less may not seem like much, but arms also has more CC than fury meaning you have more odds to take down a healer.

While fury provided more mobility than arms i find that the extra things arms get like damage and CC outweigh it.

I DIDNT test with prot on the 85 dk but i do find prot works better in double dps where i prefer arms in heals/dps

i had a really good comp going (war/disc) but the disc barely played so iv just been playing with randoms lately.

My current comp is prot / rogue.

Prot has allot of CC and Mobility and its damage isnt too bad. I even manage to beat my rogue in damage 1/2 the time because of the sustain of prot.

So in my opinion its either Arms or Prot , fury just doesn't seem to keep up with the other specs.
After posting this i remembered doing some tests on my lvl 85 friend (dk)

Fury: 15.2 seconds for my kill

Arms: 13.7 seconds for my kill

So you manage to output about 130 k damage in 15 seconds is that what you mean ?

And i'm being nice saying 130 k hp pool.

If not than i'm sorry and i completely missed your point.

Unless you ment you did this wile being 85 yourself which we honestly dont really care about since 70's warriors do not have the same talents as a 85 might have.
Yep I played a shitload of games, and I have a shitload of losses, but I got my rating up, without a healer comp. Also the link you gave me didn't work, and 5 warriors? Lol, that's an easy comp to beat if anyone in your team has any idea.

Also, regardless of who tells me, Fury > Other specs, the day I can't beat a warrior as fury, is when i'll change.

Weird works for me. 5 warriors as in 5 teams with a warrior, as u wouldve seen in the ss its 2v2 m8

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