Best 70 Horde and Alliance twink guild?

Just interested in hearing from those in the field, and from guild leaders, what the top 70 twink guilds out there are, for both horde and alliance.
Haha yes I couldn't help but notice <Twink Info> just checking out other guilds that are out there. Does <Twink Info> run any all-70 raids?
Theres a horde guild thats coming together on korgath can't say that they run 70 stuff yet. at Twinkinfo we have all the 70 raid achieves for 5 man heroics 10 mans and 25 mans. level 3 guild atm free guild repairs.
<iddqd> from Frostwhisper is one of the best EU twink guilds on the horde side for 70s. <Acquired Taste> used to be doing great at alliance side, some of their members (since guild closed) joined <Zendelin> on Boulderfist. Alliance seems to have less good guilds than hordes.
Daman said:
Theres a horde guild thats coming together on korgath can't say that they run 70 stuff yet. at Twinkinfo we have all the 70 raid achieves for 5 man heroics 10 mans and 25 mans. level 3 guild atm free guild repairs.

Are you still actively raiding? I know Sunwell is difficult what with the whole Felmyst and Mass Dispel issue, but do you run all 70s in BT or do you bring some 85s along to speed things along?
There are very few 70 only raiding guilds left. And I mean very little. Theres no point really post 4.0. We tried, trust me. Its a hassle having to change raid comps for felmyst, or bring an 80 mage tank for council, or having a druid soak tank, etc etc.

Most 70 guilds just do 10 mans and pvp only.
Mulciber said:
There are very few 70 only raiding guilds left. And I mean very little. Theres no point really post 4.0. We tried, trust me. Its a hassle having to change raid comps for felmyst, or bring an 80 mage tank for council, or having a druid soak tank, etc etc.

Most 70 guilds just do 10 mans and pvp only.

80 mage?? i did it with a level 70 Down Syndrome mage in partial greens with like 15 70 twinks pre 4.0.( NOt saying that it was hard)
I think Mulciber's assessment is correct. Post 4.0, sub 71 Priests lost Mass dispell, making Felmyst a challenge to say the least. Mages lost spellsteal as well. Numerous other challenges make full-70 raiding pretty darn challenging, despite the increased DPS, spell changes (and buffs in most cases), bigger health pools and wrath gems/enchants.

I have a theory about 70 raiding which I will be posting in another thread, but I agree; Unless you have a substantial raider/player base to work with (enough that it could be considered operable and successful prior to wrath, in most cases meaning a surplus of players and alts), raiding can and will be very difficult for 70-only guilds.
I'm confident 70 raiding is still possible without the mass dispels i would give a dispelling role to 5 players for their own groups. then call it a day. 70 raiding died down because it gets old. I was the raid leader for epoch for almost a year from when we first created the guild, I've been entertaining the idea of starting back up a focus on 70 raids in maybe 2 months when i have more time.
Daman said:
I'm confident 70 raiding is still possible without the mass dispels i would give a dispelling role to 5 players for their own groups. then call it a day. 70 raiding died down because it gets old. I was the raid leader for epoch for almost a year from when we first created the guild, I've been entertaining the idea of starting back up a focus on 70 raids in maybe 2 months when i have more time.

Of course its still possible, but the stress you have to go through to fit the perfect raid comp to clear the altered fights got boring to me, hence why I really see no point in it. And the fights that you don't have to alter your raid comp for are a joke. Every one pulls so much dps, its pretty much a tank n spank on the majority of the encounters. It got wayyy to monotonous, and the gear gap between 70 raiders and 70 twink pvp'ers who pug is very substantial, and I think many guilds agree, which is why there are few raiding guilds actually left.
So hey there. I am new to the whole 70 twinking thing, and instead of opening a new post I decided to post here since this thread is basicly what I am asking. I am almost certain that I want to roll on Korgath, and I know about <Twink Info> for Alliance side, but I have no idea whats going on Horde side, or how to find out who is a twink there.

Ultimately my decision will be based on which side has less people, for faster queues and such. Unless there are like 2 people on the Horde side with no one else interested. Arena is something I want to do at 70 so I would like enough people to get a team together. So if anyone knows whats going on with the Horde on Korgath, I would hope you could shoot me a PM or post here, or just tell me if I am better off Rolling Ally(With reason :O). Thanks guys.
most of the 70 twinks guilds fall apart. make too many claims and promises. once many are geared and done, they get bored.
Soberlolz said:
l2 Bear soak tank it.

bear hp got nerfed inline with other tanks. pally soak it imo

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