Best 39?

PHILtheTANK said:
"(non-FC feral druid, anyone?)"

thats like saying non-healer resto druid anyone??? just because 1 spec is only good for one thing in the bracket doesn't make it bad... every spec shouldn't be good at multiple things....

your arguement is fail. if a resto druid straps on AP and Crit gear and fails at melee, it's expected because his spec buffs his healing ability. while a feral druid can be specced to do damage akin to a rogue. but a feral druid wearing the best dps gear is fail in a talent situation where it should not be. the talent tree is called "Feral" not "Flag Whore". get it right.
Adt said:
the talent tree is called "Feral" not "Flag Whore". get it right.
talent tree names don't perfectly reflect what talents they give, especially for twinks
The most viable arena druid healer is a feral one. Resto specs don't work at all in arena at 39. Before you argue, think about it.
feral healz

Ive been playing around with this one for a bit now, and to be honest i love it.

chardev seven . character planner . healz

a few gear choices depend on your partner/strategy, but thats the general idea.

I like to open pretty agressively, playing as a feral dps, then pop out for instant regrowth after 5cp rip. Youd be surprised at the dps as its actually not bad, especially if you can get your 3 bleeds up(pounce,rake,rip). and with 23% crit and primal fury cp generation aint bad either

Your healz are still pretty solid with 126 sp and substantial mana pool, especially on yourself with +20% healing in cat

Survivability is pretty good with survival instincts and around 40% phsyical dmg reduction in bear and 17% dodge

Ultimately I feel it just capitalizes on the druids strength as a jack of all trades. Major drawback is the drawback of all druids at this level, lack of cc. though with feral charge, bash, and warstomp you can shut down healer at least enough to score a kill. Pretty good for duels too.

I had been kind of holding this back, keeping it as my little secret, but w/e

Edit: I roll with glyph of claw as well (not showing up on chardev atm) for wannabe hemo spam dmg and more cp's
I've played nearly every class and spec possible in the 39 bracket. Here's my order in terms of fun factor in ones I've played recently:

1) Priest

Holy Priest is hands down the most fun spec I've played in 39. You get incredible damage and heals (yes, high SP means low mana). Basically very high damage and fairly good survivability. I usually play solo so I'm my own healer. I see them as being a mage that can heal themselves at the same time.

2) Hunter

They're just fun to play and can last longer in battle than melee classes. They have a skill cap that's reachable and still die more than I'd like.

3) Warrior

The most fun class - if I didn't die so much. With a healer I'd play my warrior any day. Extremely high skill cap, super high damage, super fun. I love using sweeping strikes and cleaving for incredible damage. Very hard to play as best as possible but rewarding when done right.

4) Warlock

High damage and survivability, boring at the same time. Not much to it at all

5) Paladin

I've done Holy and Ret. Holy is just boring, not much skill involved with the change to only one rank of FoL. Too supporty for me. As for Ret, great damage with survivability, but again a low skill cap.

6) Rogue

Too squishy without a healer, very frustrating when playing solo. Skill needed is fairly high, but achievable other than perfectly timing and anticipating things.

7) Mage

Decent damage, very low survivability. High SP is the only way I play, so I'd die to non twinked hunters quite a lot, or I'd barely win. Holy Priests can out DPS mages anyway.

8) Shaman

Just not my type of class. Only have played Enhancement, too luck based to have any fun.
there's no "skillcap" on any class

there is a difference between how easy it is to play a class at "X%" efficiency though, like a druid or shaman might be more difficult to play at 90% than something like a rogue or hunter would
Vircy said:
6) Rogue

Too squishy without a healer, very frustrating when playing solo. Skill needed is fairly high, but achievable other than perfectly timing and anticipating things.

7) Mage

Decent damage, very low survivability. High SP is the only way I play, so I'd die to non twinked hunters quite a lot, or I'd barely win. Holy Priests can out DPS mages anyway.

wut. low survivability? frustrating to play when solo? none of these i can agree with, i find both rogue and mage two of the less frustrating classes to play. hunters are a pain for mages, but except from that, survival is ok for both imo.
Warlocks are pretty OP at 39. I do tons of dmg & heal myself 1/3 with dmg done.

To be it less boring, go spd, not hp/balanced.
Stam warlocks are not boring at all once you reach the higher levels of opponents in arena. If you played WSG or arena against lvl 36 scrubs , yes Warlock is EXTREMELY boring. Try do some 2v1's , that always makes it fun for me and its my ''thing'' that I like to do on my warlock :p

Warlock is as interesting as you make it. As is every class.
kutty is right. you can either tabdot and get bored in seconds, or try to master the LOADS of micromanagement every good lock got to do.

and that is easy or boring. i tried it once and failed^^ (was pre everything, so i just tabdotted the sht out out of 36ers)
Powerglove said:

There is a big difference between a skilled warrior and a normal basic twink warrior. Rogues I see a fair amount of highly skilled players, warriors.. not so much.

Great Warriors do the following:

-Sweeping Strikes (use mocking blow on pets to dmg player)


-Taunt pets

-Weapon swapping

-Sunder armor

-Slam (yes, it's still usable)

Like I said, it's a lot harder to find people who do that.

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