Best 39?

I was wondering which class is the best for 39 twinks im not a big fan of hunters so that's out of the question but whats the best class for healing and the best class for dmg?
Rogues and Locks seem to stand out for damage. Rogues have more burst, locks have more survivability.

Holy Paladins and Priests are great healers. Pallies have more survivability obviously.
There isn't a "best" class for either, each class has its own specific niche where it excells, if your more specific with what you want your twink to be able to do: then we may be able to help.
This is 39 bro.

Not unbalanced like 19/29/49 ^^

At 39 every class can shine if the player sitting behind the toon knows what he/she is doing. There is no 19 hunter/shammy class equivalent for 39 :)
Mortox said:
This is 39 bro.

Not unbalanced like 19/29/49 ^^

At 39 every class can shine if the player sitting behind the toon knows what he/she is doing. There is no 19 hunter/shammy class equivalent for 39 :)

arrogant 39s always claiming ridiculous nonsense like this.

of course there are class/specs at 39 that are *more potent* than others.
of course there are class/specs at 39 that are *more potent* than others.
more potent in certain situations, yes, but most classes excel if simply played well as long as they spec their toon properly. no class really stands out unless their bane(s) isn't present.

warrior: high burst potential, can pull off chain crits but are easily CC'd once intercept is down

rogue: great at CC, stunlocking is very effective but their overall effectiveness decreases as group sizes increase. flares in chokepoints are a bitch.

hunter: MS effect, slows very well, high DPS and good burst potential, easily CC'd though

shaman: very versatile, can do a bunch of stuff but nothing too effectively. burst is within windfury, CC within FS/EB/grounding/wind shear, survivability with GW/heals/stoneclaw, sort of like a jack of all trades

druid: best burst healer, can track/fairy fire/root/abolish for utility, but stuns and mana efficiency are a big counter

paladin: best mana efficiency, JoJ is very useful, and very useful CDs. heals are disrupted easily and burst has been downsized though

lock: when the dots are not dispelled, epic DPS. when they are dispelled, mediocre. great survivability if played right.

priest: dispel is very useful. heals get better as groups get larger. not good against burst and mana can be an issue.

mage: versatile, good DPS if uninterrupted, high burst potential, cloth armor + SP gear = quick death though

i dunno that's a general outline, kind of rough but i hope it helps the decision
depending on your skill lvl there are some classes that can provide the most fun.

dmg: mage(react)/warrior(cd/stance management)/lock(micromanagement/pet)/rogue(force your opponent to react)

healing: priest(utility through lots of spells to choose)/shaman(micromanagement(totems/shocks)

and if you are able to play WSG/AB druid for dmg/healing, but they do not shine in arenas. but druid is the most fun class overall if played in BGs. you can DoT/spellburst/melee/FC/direct healing/HoT ... all with just an adjustment in gear, talents and glyphs.
Orcgasm said:
Rogues and Locks seem to stand out for damage. Rogues have more burst, locks have more survivability.

Holy Paladins and Priests are great healers. Pallies have more survivability obviously.

i agree with this.

if you don't like hunters, rogues is your best melee bet and lock is your best caster bet in this bracket. if you like to heal, i'd say go with Priest as your strongest option.
See Adt ? You can be constructive \o/

And what I said is true , 39 is the most balanced bracket. Hence why I chose it (well when I chose it it was still 20-30 bg's but ah well same thing really xD)
Mortox said:
This is 39 bro.

Not unbalanced like 19/29/49 ^^

At 39 every class can shine if the player sitting behind the toon knows what he/she is doing. There is no 19 hunter/shammy class equivalent for 39 :)

TBH, even though I mainly play 39s, I found 49s to be more balanced. There is also a larger number of viable specs.

And, OP, SL lock or sub rogue is probably your best bet for non-hunter dps.
Mortox said:
See Adt ? You can be constructive \o/

And what I said is true , 39 is the most balanced bracket. Hence why I chose it (well when I chose it it was still 20-30 bg's but ah well same thing really xD)

hah. who said i couldn't be constructive? :p

i've played 49 and 39 enough to know that they both have their problems. no one likes to admit it. but they do. you can always count on people to throw class-counters and specific abilities out there to justify balance. but there is no doubt that some class/specs are better suited for some roles - while some are better suited for MOST roles. some are average and can be awesome if played by an asian. and some are just meh and aren't played much at all (non-FC feral druid, anyone?). some class/specs just bring more to the table at a certain level. and honestly, i'd say that the 40pt talent break gives MORE classes a BETTER chance at most things than at 39 when you're still missing some key abilities and that 40 talent skill that can sometimes add a huge boost to your class/spec.

i do loves me some 39, though. i've had a 39 twink for some time now, even though it only has like 5,000 honor kills. in fact, when i wanted to get back into twinking just prior to TBC coming out, i made a 39 "twink" warrior on Reckoning. pretty much just ran into a full-enchanted Scarlet set (looks so cool) and a Nightblade, was some good times. :)
;D Sounds like fun actually :p I never said 49 was terribly unbalanced , I happen to love 39 and 49 (little more towards 39 tho) but I was mainly referring to the lower brackets :)
"(non-FC feral druid, anyone?)"

thats like saying non-healer resto druid anyone??? just because 1 spec is only good for one thing in the bracket doesn't make it bad... every spec shouldn't be good at multiple things....

cologne said:
after playing all classes in 39 except warlock my favorite is priest followed by rogue and mage. i find priest doesnt really have any anticlass and is great at healing, supporting and dps.

imo shaman counters priest nicely, only way a priest should ever beat a shaman imo, is that the shaman has to be bad and the priest very good at fake casting.
it was a lot nicer when inner fire could be dispelled -_- having priests with as much armor (or more than) 2-h warriors in all mail is silly - maybe not at level 40 when plate and mail is dished out - at 39 though it's a little unneccessary and negates their supposed weakness of being a cloth wearer.

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