Best 2vs2 for 70 arena

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mage/priest (it's literally the best comp, no counter's and a huge margin of error, if you run into teams like this, you might as well /dance and save yourself from humiliation)

mage/rogue (a lot of CC's, a lot of burst)

paladin/paladin (ret+prot usually)




druid/warlock (they can simply outlast a lot of combo's)



rogue/shaman (this is the combination i play, although we win 88% of our games as rogue+shaman, i see a lot of flaws with this combo, 1, both are easy targets, so if the opponent switches target often, then your earth shield gets wasted most of the time. 2, shaman run out of mana extremely fast compared to druid/priest. 3, vulnerable to plate-wearer teams, well, maybe if i didn't stack stamina and had 75% armor penetration, we'd have an easier time against those teams, but then i'd have like 9000 health and 50 res, which is a big no no. 4, no CC besides blind.)
most the time i go into arena i go in solo. if by chance the invited player so i can get into games joins....either way usually get wiped, but have won some too. i don't care about losing.....have done it 4 weeks so far as of today. alot of other teams got free boosted ratings. so far in doing slightly over 40 games i have lost 4 partners with only one making it thru 10 whole games. to do 30 games i begged for maybe 10+ players, i tell them not to enter....they get one shotted...get pissed and i'm back to begging.

players who brag about their ratings need to be honest. going in 10 or more games with 2 geared players (any) vs 1 or 2 players in lesser epics, greens, blues and no enchants....really nothing one should brag about. it's almost like having twinks in the XP brackets.

i myself have had a lot of players ask me about my old S2 gear, i have taken them to the vendor to show them what we can earn if they arena. they want the gear....but can't handle getting wiped and no longer want to play for loser points.i tell them you have to start somewhere, they agree at first yet quit after 1-2 games. many players are not willing to play for 261 points for 30+ weeks for gear and then want to do serious arena. many players are not on servers where 80's or anybody really cares about BT, Hyjal, etc. to help them get quality starter epics, T-6, S1 or S2 gear

there is no solution, i don't expect geared teams to give newbies a break or even fight 1 vs 1 when it's a 2 vs 1 situation. however enjoy your free hi ratings thanks to players like me till i get my gear and if i can't find a partner...i'll be done with arena and sticking to BGs. so keep in mind some of the players you destroy to humiliate could be a loss in what you are interested in doing. once again no solution
^ not rated very noh!

arena vs levelers is hard tho1111111111111
Mage/spriest is easily the best comp. Until the day fury warriors have the old unnerred execute while bein able to hav 700+ rss and some decent pve gear. With a resto sham and bl and maybe old wf totem to seal the deal.
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