Best 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5?

The discussion should've ended after I enlightened you all as to what's overall the best 2s, 3s, and 5s comp.

As for the person who asked

Sham/Lock>Sham/hunter because Locks have about as much damage potential, they fuck up your ability to bandage with all those dots(even if you want to oom as a priest and massdispel them, theres still the curse preventing full bandaging) and they can use fear to take someone out of the game for 14 or seconds and/or interrupt three heals at a range. Also they have demons skin which results in improved shammy heals/basically rank 4 herb and sacrafice which grants them much better survivability overall. Naturally there are situations where the hunter would be better suited for the 2s, but they're the minority.
Maxed Ap rogue/Maxed Ap rogue

OPness setup xD

Pymius said:
The discussion should've ended after I enlightened you all as to what's overall the best 2s, 3s, and 5s comp.

As for the person who asked

Sham/Lock>Sham/hunter because Locks have about as much damage potential, they fuck up your ability to bandage with all those dots(even if you want to oom as a priest and massdispel them, theres still the curse preventing full bandaging) and they can use fear to take someone out of the game for 14 or seconds and/or interrupt three heals at a range. Also they have demons skin which results in improved shammy heals/basically rank 4 herb and sacrafice which grants them much better survivability overall. Naturally there are situations where the hunter would be better suited for the 2s, but they're the minority.

Hunter/Shaman (2x dots) with the addition of a pet shouldn't have much of a trouble to keep people from bandaging. This combo has a lot of slows and great burst damage. The slows will make even a good team end up missing heals because of Los. The hunter should survive better than a warlock and it clearly has more abilities to stay away from the opponent, which gives the shaman a lot more breathing room to focus on other aspects of the game instead.
Shazzrah said:
Hunter/Shaman (2x dots) with the addition of a pet shouldn't have much of a trouble to keep people from bandaging. This combo has a lot of slows and great burst damage. The slows will make even a good team end up missing heals because of Los. The hunter should survive better than a warlock and it clearly has more abilities to stay away from the opponent, which gives the shaman a lot more breathing room to focus on other aspects of the game instead.

-4 dots>2 dots

-Fear>wingclip+pet stun

-Warlocks have a pet too.... one which pops rogues out of stealth, and grants a mini agm every minute

-20% additional healing effects from DS is alot

-Easily replenished mana pool for the Lock

I like hunt/sham too, but I believe that if played correctly, sham/lock is the superior comp.
I believe it's all about matchups, at least in 2v2.

Some combos are good against others and so on. But i think sham combos are the effectives atm. Shaman is allround but also in all good, what makes him to the perfect arena mate. set him up with retpala or another shaman and the burst + snare + interupt + purge + bubble + bof + healz (both) is a very good setup against every team + the setup with the less anticombos.
SP stacked shammys are devastating in arena, but their easily overwhelmed. If you were to run a shammy as dps, you'd need a priest healer w/ it.

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