Best 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5?


Warlock/Druid for 2v2

Warlock/Druid/Hunter for 3v3

Warlock/Druid/Druid/Mage/Paladin for 5v5

That's my opinion.
Novascotia said:
A well geared warrior & paladin are good in 2v2.

Would they beat a lock/druid combo though?

I don't think they would at equal gear tbh.
Rayu said:
Would they beat a lock/druid combo though?

I don't think they would at equal gear tbh.

It doesnt exist any best combo in two versus two, it's all about skills.

Etc a guy with rocks can beat a guy with a gun it's just all about skills and how effective you use your abillitys.

The combo which has the best advantage is obviously Warlock/Shaman, Warlock/Hunter, Warlock/Druid. All combos has anti combos so this is an very difficult subject to talk about.
Purge > Druid any day.

That sade, My fav partneris a High AP warrior. Thoug a lokc isn't to bad :)

(I got owned so hard by Rogue/lock when playing my rogue with a shaman) was scary.. The rogue was pro thoug, he schooled me in an arranged 1v1 later :(
Rayu said:
Warlock/Druid for 2v2

Warlock/Druid/Hunter for 3v3

Warlock/Druid/Druid/Mage/Paladin for 5v5

That's my opinion.

Sham/Lock for 2s

Sham/Lock/Hunter for 3s

Sham/Sham/Lock/Hunter/Hunter for 5s
hmm, for 3v3 i really liked a:

Healadin (me)


and SP shammy

we absolutely wrecked.

I haven't done 5v5 in ages, but last time i got wtffacerolled by:





Scary as hell to fight lol
Rayu said:
Warlock/Druid for 2v2

Warlock/Druid/Hunter for 3v3

Warlock/Druid/Druid/Mage/Paladin for 5v5

That's my opinion.

I found yer prob'em, der.


Shaman/Hunter or Paladin/Lock (BE's)


<Too much variation to choose a 'best'>

It all depends on your team's synergy, skill and coordination though. And it also depends on the opposing team, of course.
Warlock + Shaman. Keep the healer shut down while bursting down the dps.
Shazzrah said:
A Hunter would do more damage and has more CC options including a stun, how would a lock be better?

Draining the HP of both targets, while abusing LoS? But hunter's are good thoug, but not paired with a druid, as thats the only excperience I've ad with them, No Pruge/Dispell AGM = fail :/
hunter and druid can be painful against some combo's but i agree it does fall short w/ lack of dispell. Dual shammy team. cheapest thing evers. beatable, but still cheap.
Shazzrah said:
A Hunter would do more damage and has more CC options including a stun, how would a lock be better?

Stun lasts ~2 seconds fear last what 7? spam it and he can't heal for over ~12 seconds.
Crilicilyn said:
rogue or shammy > any other class for preventing heals.

Wrong about the rogue my friend. It is sooo easy to keep a rogue out of meele range.
healing through a rogue is far easier than healing through a shammy, erg i hate their ranged interupt, not to mention purge. Its easier for a shaman to fake your fake cast aswell.

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