Best 1v1

I've picked up a few items lately and have always wanted to make a 49, due to inactivity and me not being on at prime times i severly doubt ill come to ruin as bg's wont pop when im on (oceanic).

I'd camp my twink in a high lvl area eg. honor hold, for world pvp.

What class/setup would be best 1v1 in this sort of situation (obviously will need to stack hit)

Prot warrior? Lock? Disc Priest? Others? Not too sure..

Please explain :)
bancrupt said:
I've picked up a few items lately and have always wanted to make a 49, due to inactivity and me not being on at prime times i severly doubt ill come to ruin as bg's wont pop when im on (oceanic).

I'd camp my twink in a high lvl area eg. honor hold, for world pvp.

What class/setup would be best 1v1 in this sort of situation (obviously will need to stack hit)

Prot warrior? Lock? Disc Priest? Others? Not too sure..

Please explain :)

warlock is probably the best 1vs1 at this moment...most classes don't get the necessary tools to beat warlocks yet. (for example, cloak of shadow for rogue)

but rogue is the most fun:)
for world pvp ganking (especially often fighting people higher level) i'd want something that doesn't rely on spells. like Rogue or Hunter. i think twinking a Rogue to gank those tastey Death Knights in Outlands would work out nicely.

Ret Paladin could be fun, but i'd worry about missing too many Exorcisms and losing too much dmg from that.
Rogues are always good for the gank factor.

You could always BM hunter -> Big red pet -> Shadowmeld.

*edit - I dueled a 62 DK once, it was really close (also involved him trying to kill my pet), but too much shit misses for a lock at that point. I might have pulled off a win if my Death Coil hadn't missed and my AGM was off its CD, but I wouldn't recommend a warlock, you will miss too many important spells most likely.
I like rogues.

The only thing i was worried about with rogues was stealth and higher levels, will this effect how easily i am seen?

I do quite like the shadowmeld hunter idea btw, and considering ive played rogues at 39 and am currently leveling one, id like to keep away from them for a while (although flurry axe OH, thrash blade MH screams sexiness to me)

And off topic what times do 49 Bg's pop on ruin? I may not be as off par on time as i may think..
bancrupt said:
And off topic what times do 49 Bg's pop on ruin? I may not be as off par on time as i may think..

they dont. and arenas are drying up. so gay.

go rogue so you can gank in world pvp, and they are awesome in arenas too
Falkor said:
they dont. and arenas are drying up. so gay.

go rogue so you can gank in world pvp, and they are awesome in arenas too

Really? D: My friend and I are currently leveling our 49 shamans -.- we're 21, taking our time...kinda disappointing if there isn't going to be any queues happening at all when we get to 49 >< and we're on no world pvp, GAY PVE SERVERS ARE GAY!
For ganking, rogue is probably best. Warlocks are almost impossible for most classes once they hit around 70. I am LOVING my 70 warrior though. Prot, practically unsnarable w/ Warbringer or whatever. Spell reflect ever 10 secs on a different cooldown from shield bash. 4k shield slams. Stun Stun Stun. Unless it's a former 70 raider, they fall pretty quick if they try to kill u.
Alkaholic said:
For ganking, rogue is probably best. Warlocks are almost impossible for most classes once they hit around 70. I am LOVING my 70 warrior though. Prot, practically unsnarable w/ Warbringer or whatever. Spell reflect ever 10 secs on a different cooldown from shield bash. 4k shield slams. Stun Stun Stun. Unless it's a former 70 raider, they fall pretty quick if they try to kill u.

armory profile?
bancrupt said:
The only thing i was worried about with rogues was stealth and higher levels, will this effect how easily i am seen?

I do quite like the shadowmeld hunter idea btw, and considering ive played rogues at 39 and am currently leveling one, id like to keep away from them for a while (although flurry axe OH, thrash blade MH screams sexiness to me)

And off topic what times do 49 Bg's pop on ruin? I may not be as off par on time as i may think..

a 49 NE rogue with MoD has what, stealth equivalent to a mob/char of 53? i think the racial and talents grant +4 stealth levels at least. plus regardless of the level if you approach from directly behind them they cant see you, so just get good at approaching from behind & stack a little hit and you can gank people a lot higher lvl than you
Balroy said:
Not that, he will say since they have a positive win ratio that they must afk!

still butt hurt from being spotted afk out of losing battlegrounds? you and i both know it's true.

just to help out the mathematically challenged, i assume by positive, you mean greater than 50%. just fyi, ratio between two positive integers is always positive, unless you never win any games, in which case your winning ratio is 0.
Still butt hurt that I am superior than you? It's cool, haters can only hate.

Positive means positive by the way, that was part of the point of what I said.

; )
that is hands down the worst DK ever...

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