Best 19 twink Realm/Battlegroup.


I've got a 19 twink warrior, and my friend a hunter looking to move to a popular Realm/Battle group.

Could anyone give me some information on which realms and bg's are the best?

Any info on guilds would also be much appreciated

Regards, itzgriitz.
US or EU?

you need max 10 charachters do create a post, so things like "yes" will not suffice so we all through in loltenchars (or anything modified) if we need more characters.
EU, go Dreanor, Dunemaul, or i'll personally be glad to see you @ Aszune :p
chromaggus! stil uprising realm though, but the twinks on chromaggus are all fully geared and nice players. and it has a nice guild.

But Dreanor is more popular and has more twinks.
Aszune has more than 120 twinks in Queueing is the best bit :p we quiite enjoy being here :p

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