Best 19 Arena Team

Coldzhoulder said:
no one responded to me :O , whats everyones opinion on best partner for a 19 lock :/? any tips/ideas?

Warlock Priest is a good combo if the warlock is good with fears, if thats the case neither should die very easily. Pick up a good priest and get really good with fears and you'll love that combo.

Warlock Shaman is also a really really good combo on account of having shocks and fears (basically locking down healers), ontop of earthbind to pwn melee. Just keep fear and shock rotations on the enemies healer and you should make decently short work of their DPS. However if the opposing team has a rogue / warrior youve got to be on those fake fears because they will go for you if theyre smart and try to lock you down.

Warlock Mage is fun.
cool thx...i was thinking mainly warlock priest combo but wanted to see everyone else's input...the warlock shaman idea sounds good as well and i think i might actually try that one out....but warlock mage is honestly a really hard combo to work with...ive played with some very good warlocks 2v2 with my mage and when going against teams with hunters or good healers , we can do it but its quite difficult :/
hunter/priest is best 2's imo
xkisses said:
hunter/priest is best 2's imo

i still reckon shaman +warlock would win that team :p

Purge purge fear shock purge purge

For me the must is the warlock with sham because the sham has a dispel, the "horion de terre" the totem anti-fear and a versatility very effective

and the warlock have a dps enormous and the dots who prevent against the bandage

PS:sorry for my english i'm french and i would like to know "where i show my twink?"
Warlock/mage isn't bad.

Time the fears/slows/poly's right and it's GG.

On the other hand, depending on skill level of the players, anything can be good :)
Priest hunter is best setup! Nuf said :D

Nah, but there can be many good setups. But personaly I think hunter and priest is the best combo for 19 bracket.
In my BG me and my 19 partner only been beat by one team and it always ended up in a 1v1 between me and the other rogue,We could of won but we was both new to our classes at 19s not poping agm and geting comp restart messages is FAIL

it was lock/rogue us

and paladin/rogue them (They had mining glitch expliots all that other homo shit)
I run with my warrior and my hunter friend, we can kill most teams besides heal-spammers.
Shiz/Nerfmurlocks said:
Priest / Hunter.

I thought we had something </3

Haha, priest hunter is awesome but me and nerf run a pretty beast Priest/Rogue team

Also if you can find a really good hunter, Pally/Hunter is awesome. Me and Cacc rock it in the arenas
Really, hunter / priest takes the cake, however there are PLENTY of combos that can defeat it, it simply depends on the players.
Perplex said:
I thought we had something </3

Haha, priest hunter is awesome but me and nerf run a pretty beast Priest/Rogue team

Also if you can find a really good hunter, Pally/Hunter is awesome. Me and Cacc rock it in the arenas

Don't worry baby, we do ;)

Box said:
Really, hunter / priest takes the cake, however there are PLENTY of combos that can defeat it, it simply depends on the players.

This pretty much sums it up.
i just rolled vs a hunter/shaman team...imo its the best combo....aoe slows, ranged interrupt, pet, amazing dps from both ppl, hunter slows, two dots of different "types" (no class can dispel poison AND magic, so unless ur going pally/shammy and priest, they will have a dot on u to stop bandages) and shaman can heal

this team is crazy, i cant really think of anything that could consistantly beat an equally geared/skilled hunter/shammy team

i faced em as priest/ was fucking impossible, rogue cant stay on shammy (besides during sprint) they can just wing clip and EB all day...i could heal through the hunter but ranged shock is a bitch and he purges my hots/shields...all i can do is spam heal and try to fake em while they take down my rogue partner...if we tried to los, he couldnt bandage (i cant cure SS) and we were doing 0 dps

i cant really think what could beat this...i guess a warrior/hunter as dps could solve the kiting problem and then a pally could handle the dps better, but honestly i think shammy hunter is the best team out there right now...and unfortunately one of the most common

i blame the op-ness of shammy

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