<Ben Tilley Free to Plays > @ Draenor (H)

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Twink Info Legend
F2P restricted guild with the intent of war games if the roster allows it. Currently a minor guild but if you want to join please shoot me a PM.

Roster - Community - World of Warcraft

We have multiple BoEs to help you if you need it.

Any questions are welcome too.
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Any restrictions on classes?
Yes to the idea, no to some of the members. Some1 make a guild who can premade this guild please.
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bump for great justice
Yes to the idea, no to some of the members. Some1 make a guild who can premade this guild please.

I duno who you are and I dont think you know anyone in the guild either (maybe Ben I duno)? We got like 4 members atm, not sure who you are pointing finger at here :p But that's not nice to say :(
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I duno who you are and I dont think you know anyone in the guild either (maybe Dasha I duno)? We got like 4 members atm, not sure who you are pointing finger at here :p
Names shouldn't be needed, it's just from my own experience. They might be loved by all others. I don't "know" them, I just don't like how some of them behave from time to time.
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