F2P Twinking - F2P 10v10 Premade sign-up for Sunday, August 10th, 2014!

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Hello all!

Many of you probably don't even know who i am but me and a group of friends have re-rolled f2p restricted characters in the hopes of some fun laid back premades/war-games, We we're thankful enough to be used in the reinstatement of last weeks 10v10 draft premades which in my personal opinion was a blast.

**Minus the CTA que times which hopefully wont be a factor this time around**

I know many people we're or are skeptical about doing this again due to some unneeded trash talking by someone on my team which i do not condone and I've talked to him in the hopes to stop that immediately.

Now if anyone is interested in continuing these fun games please post in this thread with what character you can play and what realm/class/spec it is. I will try my best to organize alliance side as interest for playing horde has been easily backed by those in the f2p skype chat and my own guildies.

** We are in the process of re-rolling alliance in the hopes of balancing teams/making it easier to fill these 10v10s up but our characters are still a work in progress **


1. Asaplagcapqt (Guardian Druid) - Tichondrius - Flag Carrier
2. Asapbooterqt (Mistweaver Monk) - Tichondrius - Healer
3. Zarastelle (Holy Paladin) - Azuremyst - Healer
4.Lennydroody (Resto Druid) - Borean Tundra - Healer
5. Asapiapetus (Elemental) - Tichondrius - DPS
6. Asapgoonie (Warlock) - Tichondrius - DPS
7. Huntessin (Hunter) - Aerie Peak - DPS
8.Blinka (Arcane Mage) - Aerie Peak - DPS
9. Bop (Protection Paladin) - Mok'Nathal - DPS
10. Asapfiend (Rogue) - Tichondrius - DPS


1.Verheilen (Protection Paladin) - AeriePeak - Flag Carrier **Not 100%, potential backup may be needed**
2. Pokederp (Resto Druid) - Senjin - Healer
3. Esti (Resto Druid) - Ursin - Healer
4. Shamqt (Resto Shaman) - AeriePeak - Healer
5. Lil (Hunter) - Misha - DPS
6. Prongs (Arcane Mage) - Eldre'thalas - DPS
7. Spewfeel (Arms warrior) - Aerie Peak - DPS
9. Albinocow (Shadow Priest) - Aerie Peak - DPS
10. Izec (Shadow Priest) - Misha - DPS

**Going to limit the games at 1 hunters, If somebody feels confident in stepping up for alliance for this sunday night please let me know. If not i will try my best to ensure alliance are going into the games with confident target callers and a viable class comp for competitive games**

The invites will start going out at 7:30 p.m. EST with the intention of starting at the very latest by 8:15 p.m.

The rules will be the same as Fearthebun's premades. This is sort of like an unofficial continuation of those games in his stead.

For games to be as organized and competitive as possible i ask that those who intend on playing have a microphone and/or at-least skype.

I hope people don't mind me stepping up to try to organize these games but I found them really fun and so did many of my team members we hope to continue competitive games in this bracket whilst maintaining a friendly atmosphere were there's no hatred towards one another.
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if you really wanna see how spriest works out then find me:

1 prot pally FC
2 rdruids
1 rsham just for the heck of it
1 hunter
1 rogue
2 arms warriors
1 additional spriest

Hopefully i can help make that happen but I don't know that many in this bracket :/
My brother and I can fill the last two horde DPS spots. Pick 2 from below.

Huntessin / hunter / AP

Blinka / arcane Mage / AP

Trollerus / arms warrior / AP

Or whatever else you need/want, we have everything unlike our alliance which aren't as geared.
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shame this wasnt on on the 17th. id be back by then and could play :(_

my ego hungers for premades.......

My ego hungers to see bend have a 1sec regrowth cast..... lol... HURRY UP , i wanna do da underpowered premadeewww !
My ego hungers to see bend have a 1sec regrowth cast..... lol... HURRY UP , i wanna do da underpowered premadeewww !

looks like i may be playing ally druid on this one if it gets moved :p and yeah that premade is one of the first things on my list when i get back :)
im down to play but alli is just gonna get speed capped running double spriest vs an organised team

dunno if that's worth 30 mins queuing for
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